Эффективные сечения рассеяния электронов атмосферными газами. 2. Молекулярный азот / А. С. Кириллов, А. И. Конахина, Г. А. Иванов, В. Е. Иванов ; Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т. – Препринт ПГИ-84-05-33. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1984. - 63 с.

Kirillov A .S ., Konahina A .I ., Ivanov G .A ., Ivanov Т.Б. EFFECTIVE CROSS SECTIONS OF ELECTRON SCATTERING BY ATMOSPHERIC GASES 2. MOLECULAR NITROGEN Abstract Electron scattering by nitrogen molecules is one of the formed by dissociation are the active participants of the ionospheric plasmochemical reactions and the sources of a number of intensive emissions in auroral spectra. The re­ view carries the literature experimental data on the cross sections of electron scattering by N2 . The interaction pro­ cess between an electron and N^ molecule is shown to be sa­ tisfactory described by taking into account the possibili­ ties of excitation: 1. the first four vibrational levels of the ground state of N2 ; 2. twelve triplet rad ten singlet states of N2 ; 3. ionization of the three possible channels to form 4. dissociation of the two possible channels (namely pre- dissociation and dissociative ionization); 5. elastic scattering. The set of cross sections recommended in this review is presented in an analitical form. The analitic&l presentati­ on provides a smooth energy dependence of the sections in the range of energies from an excitation threshold to ener­ gy which relativistic effects may oe neglected. The error with which the sum of the individual cross sections circum­ scribes the total scattering process doe sn 4 exceed 10>i. effective channels of the energy exchange between an elect­ ron beam and the Earth ionosphere. An excited Ьг and N, К © Кольский фйлшал АН СССР, 1984 ". ума:. оо.'i ! научная Гп,.. -,jn I _____ 111