Движение на восток радиоавроры и петель свечения в утреннем секторе : [науч. докл. ПГИ-79-1] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; М. В. Успенский, А. В. Кустов, Е. В. Пудовкина и др. – Препр. ПГИ-79-1. - Апатиты : [б. и.], 1979. - 39 с. : ил.
’oilitу Increment decreases and near the southern arc it in creases. It seems these estimations do not contradxet the role of the drift gradient instability in the forming of ra— dioaurora as a whole. The discovering of the east moving electric field discon tinuity is another important result of this study. The dis continuity does'nt coincide with the region of the radioau— rora. At the same time the electric field discontinuity the auroral loop and the radioaurora move to east in a concord. As it was discussed the first loop observed by STARS radars crossed the Loparskaya meridian at 01.19 UT. In Fig.7 the irregularity drift velocity maps are shown, where the lon gitude and time are shown on the axis. The maps are made for two latitude regions on 68 and 68.8°H. If we suppose the discontinuity moving velocity is constant and continu— ethe discontinuity line to 33°3, we shall receive that the discontinuity will pass to the Loparskaya meridian between 01.19 and 01.20 UT. Thus the concord movement of the loop and the discontinuity are observed in enough wide limits. During 01.17:40 — 01.20:00 UT the weak auroral surge is still observed between 19—25°E In the STARE field of view (see FIg.6). One can see that the surge is accompanied by a radioaurora an an electric field discontinuity. Hote that the accuracy of the discontinuity location determed here is worse due to the fact that a similar construction was not made, Fig.7. The last case shows that the discussed proper ty of the moving electric field discontinulty Is not sole. The authors suppose that the observed electric field discon tinuity Is not of an Ionospheric origin. Along the line of the discontinuity any optical phenomena are not observed (for the sensitivity of all-eky cameras). The turning di rection of the electric field vectors across the disconti nuity would correspond to the observed ones as along the discontinuity line some positive charge Is located. Thus, the discontinuity can not correspond a weak electron arc. Apparently the discontinuity is an ionospheric projection of the wavelike disturbance front moving near the interne1 29
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