Движение на восток радиоавроры и петель свечения в утреннем секторе : [науч. докл. ПГИ-79-1] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; М. В. Успенский, А. В. Кустов, Е. В. Пудовкина и др. – Препр. ПГИ-79-1. - Апатиты : [б. и.], 1979. - 39 с. : ил.
location one minute later is pictured in Pig.6, thai: is the second picture from the top. Hate that on the picture axis- there are the geographic latitude and longitude. In the tail part of the loop there is a southern field of 40—60 mv/m. The moving boundary between south-eastern and southern fields is distinct enough. It is denote by the sloped dashed line. The example of the electric field discontinuity is represen ted on the right hand of Fig.6. The line of the discontinuity is drawn on the background of the drift velocity vectors of the conventional STARE-plot. One can see that the orientation of vectors on the right and left hands of the discontinuity line differs significantly. In the subsequent moments of time the leading part of the loop fades and now only its tail part moving to the east is seen (see subsequent pictures in Pig.6). The region of the local intensive radioaurora at 14:50, 15:50 and 1'6:50 UT being seen by the STARE radars- is marked by points and sha ding. More weak diffuse radiaaurora was observed In a wider space region but it Is not shown here. There the region of the intensive radioaurora moving to the east is seen. Hate that radioaurora localized on the polar side of the loop "remainder". The line of the electric field discontinuity is moving to the east too. This line is shown by dashes. It seems that the distance between the radioaurora and the dis continuity line decreased, but it may be not quite right since the radioaurora is leaving the STARE region and the complete radicrauroral size is- unknown. At ОТ.17 UT the auroral loop could be observed with all sky camera in bopaxskaya. It Is the same loop that was mo ving to the east across the STARE region together with the region of the intensive radioaurara and the line of electric field discontinuity. At 011.17:40 UT near the loop remainder a local parch of radioaurara appeared to be moving to the east. It was observed by 93 MHz. Essoyla radar with a rota tional antenna. In the fallowing cycle of the antenna rota tion at 18t50 UT the radioauroral location was defined not exactly because the eastward moving oJ? va.i’ic«urora was strong masked by a northward band of the dlffu-^y radioaura— 23
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