Движение на восток радиоавроры и петель свечения в утреннем секторе : [науч. докл. ПГИ-79-1] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; М. В. Успенский, А. В. Кустов, Е. В. Пудовкина и др. – Препр. ПГИ-79-1. - Апатиты : [б. и.], 1979. - 39 с. : ил.

lar region by the heavy- line. The irregularity drift veloci­ ty vectors were calculated from the Doppler shifts of sig­ nals received by Ыera-way and Finland radars simultaneously. The direction and the magnitude of the complete irregularity drift velocity vectors were calculated under the assumption that there exists the so-called "cosine-dependence" of the Doppler shift magnitude of the angle between the drift di­ rection and the radar beam. Recent papers by Eclund et al.r 1977, and by Cahill et al.,11978, indicated that such depen­ dence is valid even if Vd/Ce>1‘, where Vj^ and Cs — drift ve­ locity and acoustic velocity. In the reffered papers and also in the Greenwald's review, 1979.» it is demonstrated that the measured irregularity drifts are electron drifts and the drift vectors are antiparallel to the Hall component of the ionospheric current. It-i-e followed that the ionospheric electric field can be determined from the direction and the magnitude of the electron drift Vff, i.e. E=—Yg B, where Б is the complete vector of the geomagnetic field. Note that the drift velocity of 1 km/sec corresponds approximately to the electric field 50 mv/m. The Soviet radars observed from Essoyla, Karelia. The first 93 MHz radar used a fixed line cable antenna. Its ori­ entation is showed in Fig.1. The antenna consisted of 78 Я/? — cable dipoles and a wire reflect*r. The antenna con­ struction is similar to the antenna of Balsly and Ecklund, 1972. The points crossing the antenna beam in Fig-1 are 100 km range marks, the last mark corresponds to 1200 km. The double shading inside the beam is the zone where the radar sensitivity decreases less tha* S dB of the maximum, the singgle shading is the zone of the sensitivity decreasing to 12 dB. Two other 93 and 46 MKz radars used the ar.tenna with mechanical rotation. The rotational period was about 70 sec. The points in the picture signify the furthest and nearest borders of the 12 dB decreasing of the sensitivity for the 93 KHz radar. The time and space resolution for the radars are the following: the STARE radars - 20 sec and 22*22 km, the radar with the cable antenna - 3—5 sec and 25*3 km, the radars with the rotational antennas — 70 sec япн 150*5 km. 19