Динамические процессы и структура авроральной магнитосферы: эксперимент "Самбо": [сборник статей]. Апатиты, 1978.

YDK 5 5 0 . ЗВВ.8+621.311 Studies of the influence electron precipitation to amplitu­ de of radiowave. Gorokhov H. A . , Zhulin I.A., Kalitenkov Я.Ѵ* Pertsovsky R.A., Tkachenko B.V. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Sd* Kola Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, p . 109-122» The results o f study of the influence o f a u r o r a l p r e c i p i t a tion to a m p l i t u d e o f radio wave propagating t h r o u g h d i s t u r b e d ionosphere are represented in thie paper» The radio field strenght is measured by f o r w a r d s c a t t e r i n g method simultaneously with registration of X - r a y . Burets of r a ­ dio wave field as rule coincide in time with the bursts of p a r t i cle precipitations. Fourier spectums of X-rays and radio field a m p l i t u d e v a r i a ­ tions for some events are identical. R e p r e s e n t& d in this p a p e r data is to the experimental confirmation o f interaction be twe en precipitated electrons and radio waves propagating through i o n o ­ spheric ріавша. Pig. - 8; ref. - 12. YDK 550.389.3 The relation of VLP phase structure with the balloon X-ray measurements. Beloglazov M.I., Beloglazova G.P., Khruetehi пвкуA.A. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, p.122-126. The results of simultaneous meав arementis of VLP ~ signal phase on the Aldra - Apatity path (13,6 Ke/s) and bremms-atrah- lung due to "SAMBO-76" experiment are discussed. The high sensi­ tivity of phase VLF - measurmente to anormal ionization o f t h e low ionosphere is shown. The occurence of the night VLP p h a s e anomalies mainly depends on the bremmsetrahlung. Phase advance of VLP is connected with intensity of breinmsotrahlung as a doub­ le logarithm function. Pig. - 2j ref. - a. YDK 533.9.02.74 On the possibility of internal g r a v i t y wave me a a u r em eu ts by upper atmosphere laser sounding. B a i d a l o v S.I. - Dynami­ cal processes and structure of a u r o r a l m a g n e t o s p h e r e (Sam­ bo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acf;d. S c i . USSR, A p a t i t y , 1978, p . 1 2 7 - 1 2 9 . The p r a c t i c a l possibility of me a s u remen t of i n t e r n a l g r a v i ­ ty waves by upper atmosphere laser s o u n d i n g i s shown. P r i n c i p a ­ lly there i s possible to distinguish a l s o f i n e s t r u c t u r e o f i o n o ­ spheric i n h o m o g e n i t i e s in moving i o n o s p h e r i c d i s t u r b a n c e s ^ Ref * — 5. 151