Динамические процессы и структура авроральной магнитосферы: эксперимент "Самбо": [сборник статей]. Апатиты, 1978.

YDK 550.388 On the spatial structure of X-ray second-range pulsations. - Zhulin I.A., Kobzev V.G., Lazutin L . L . , Pimenov I.A., Ried­ ler V.K. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Bd.Kolu Granch Acad.Sci* USSR, Apatity, 1978, p . 75-89. Paper gives the analieys of 15-minute interval data of se­ cond-range X-ray pulsations registred by three latitudionaly se­ parated balloons. Latitudinal width of coherent pulsation found to be more than 60 but less than 200 km; period 3-10 sec., rapi­ dly changing with time, sugesting rather impulsive than wave born nature of the structure. The tendency is observed for inter­ vals of intensity decrease to be more correlated at separated balloons. Toward the end of episode at the southward balloons microburst structure appear, and pulsations totally dissapears earlier than at the poleward balloon, what canbe explained by nortward movements of the active region. Fig. - 7; ref. - 4. YDK 550.388 Auroral-zone midnight to morning sector electron precipita­ tion miсristructure by X-ray Sambo-76 measurements. Lazutin L.L., Zhulin I.A., Kobzev V . G . , Kornilov I.A., Riedler W. K . , Treilhou J.-P., Khrushchinsky A.A. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, p.B9-96. New types of X-ray microatructure are found and investiga- ted-second-range pulsations with softening of energy spectrum at the maxima in midnight auroral-zone, midnight auroral-zone micro- bursts, fast (seconds) intensity decreases in morning sectir. Some evidence on the nature of second-range pulsations as a eup- perposition of individual microinstabilities are given, and gra­ dual transformation of the microstructure of electron precipita­ tion from midnight to morning sector is discussed. Fig. - 9* ref. - 5. YDK 550.385.37 Slow variations and pulsations of geoelectric field verti­ cal component on earth’s surface during Sambo-76. 2emljan- kin G.I., Fedorenko Ju.V., C h e m i s h o v a S.P., Sheftel V.M. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed. Kola Granch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apati­ ty, 1978, p . 105-108. The results of measurements of slow variations and pulsa- <6 tion obtained during SAMBO-76 project in subauroral zone are dis­ cussed. Fig. - 3* ref. - 3. 150