Динамические процессы и структура авроральной магнитосферы: эксперимент "Самбо": [сборник статей]. Апатиты, 1978.

the recovery phase of the aubetorm and electron fluxes in the layer increases with aubetorm intensity. Pig. - 3; ref. - 7 . YDK 523.165; 550.385 The acceleration of the protone during the eudden commence­ ment of the geomagnetic storm (SC). Borovkov L.P., Shumi- loy 0*1. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, p.70-74. On the data of riometer set of stations located from L = 4 to L = 70 and the data of solar protons and electrons obtained at geostationary orbit and outside the magnetosphere the behavi­ our of solar particles is investigated. Using the example at 13 July 1968 during the solar proton event it is shown that increa­ se of the riometer absorption at the time of SC in L-value inte­ rval between 6 and 70 іѳ connected with the acceleration of the solar- protons in the magnetoshere. Pig. - 2; ref. - 7. YDK 550.388 To the question about the bremsstrahlung microburst genera­ tion mechanism. Khrushchineky A . A . , Kornilov I.A., Zhulin I.A., Lazutin L.L., Riedler V.K. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed. Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSE, Apatity, 1978, p.75-89. To explain temporal substructure of single and multiple mic- robursts the qualitative model was suggested in this article. Model is founded on two-stage connection between VLP discrete radiation and bremsstrahlung I-ray microburst. At the first sta­ ge near the field line equator VLF-emission and packet of reso­ nance electrons are generated by wistler-mode interaction; this packet (space charge) at the second stage, moving toward the mir­ ror point create conditions favorite for the development of the instability driving the microburst electrons into the loss cone. This model allows to explain spectrum of experimental time delays between bursts in the multiply microburst and to estimate the die tance from ionosphere to location of generation mechanism (about 0 . 3 4 of field line length for L ~ 5 - 6 ) . The results of another wo­ rks connected with experimental estimation of this distance may be explained consistently from point of view of this model. Fig.- 12; ref. - 22. I49