Динамические процессы и структура авроральной магнитосферы: эксперимент "Самбо": [сборник статей]. Апатиты, 1978.

the precipitation of energetic electrons are observed* The tempo­ ral intervals between impulses is 1-3 min. E v e r y impulse is ac­ companied by the poleward displacement of the electron precipita­ tion region* The value of this displacement is equal to 50-100km. The structure of the explosive phase is observed in Pi-2 renge of micropulsations. It occurs as the sharp change of pulsation regime. Pig* - 9; ref. - 25» YDK 551.510 The measurements of the electric fields in the stratosphere during the Sambo-76 experiment. Kozelova T.V., Pudovkin M.I<^ Pahlesson U., Zhulin I.A*, Kopaev I.М., Lazutin L.L., Mark- lundj. , Riedler W « K . » Khrustchinsky A.A. - Dynamical pro­ cesses and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experi­ ment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, c.55- 65» The variations of electric field/DC- and AC-componenta 0 at various phases of the geomagnetic substorms at the subauroral zo­ ne it are disscussed* There is shown: 1. Intensity of the electric field at night hours is rather hight (up to 30 mv/m) at intervals betweenthe geomagnetic substorms and significantly decreases at the expansive phase of the subs- torma. 2. At the intervale between subetorms usually oscillations appear with period of about 10 minutes and with amplitude of about 10 mv/m* 3. Just before the break-up the pulsationa of the special type with period 3-4 sec are observed; one can suppose appearance of thoee pulsations to be associated with development of some plas­ ma instability responsible for the break-up» 4. In several tens of seconds after the burst of short-period pulsations mentioned above the electric field pulsations appear in the Pi-2 friquency range (T ■» 50 sec) with amplitude of about 5 mv/m which are followed by similar pulsations in the geomag­ netic field. Pig. - 6; ref. - 15« YDK 550.383.551.510;689.783 The magnetopause energetic electron layer and the magneto- spheric aubstorm. Teirs V.E. - Dynamical processes and stru­ cture of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Sd.Kola Granch Aoad.Sci. USSB, Apatity, 1978, p.66-70. The connection of the intensity of magnetopause energetio electron layer with magnetospheric substorms is considered. It is ehown that the energetic electron layer is registered during 148