Динамические процессы и структура авроральной магнитосферы: эксперимент "Самбо": [сборник статей]. Апатиты, 1978.
A B S T R A C T S YDK 550-ЗВЗ Experiment "SAMBO-76". General structure of experiment and characteristics of magnetoepheric disturbances and X-ray events. Zhulin I.A., Lazutin L.L., Riedler W«K., Falthammar K.-G., Zhavkov V.A., Kanonidi Kh.D», Kobzev V.G., Kopaev I.M., Kornilov I.A., Kuzmin I.A., Marklund Melnikov A.O. Pudovkin M.I., Radkevitch V.E., Raspopov 0»M., Sakharov Ya.A., Slamanic H . , Turbin R.I., Pahlesson В., Khrustchi- nsky A.A. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, p.3-27. The results of balloon and ground-oased measurements during "SAMBO-76" experiments are given. Magnetoepheric disturbances for the ballon flights of the periods from 10 to 13 of November 1976 are analized in details. The search for the regular featu res of the energetic electron precipitations at the different stages of complex magnetoepheric disturbances started on " S A M B O - I й experiment gives some new results. Pig. - 11; tabl - 1; ref.- 12. YDK 550.383 X-ray burst structure of breakup and Pi2 geomagnetic pulaa- tions. Melnikov A.O., Khrustchinsky A.A., Zhulin 1.А., Kor nilov I.A., Lazutin L.L., Raspopov O.M.« Riedler V*K,, Sakharov Ya.A., Tagirov V.R., Treilhou J.-P. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo ex periment). Ed.Kola Cranch Acad. Sci. US3H, Apatity, 1978, p.28-42. Temporal structure during the explosive phase of energetic electron precipitation is investigated using the data of "SAM- BO-1" and "SAMBO-76" companies. It is shomen htat explosive pha se of substorm in X-rays consists of a number of the bursts with different location in space and time. Each of the bursts is ac companied by generation of new Pi-2 oscillation of geomagnetic field. As a rule, spectrum structure of X-ray and geomagnetict;! pulsation during explosive phase is the same. Pig. - 10; ref. - 17. YDK 550.383 On the spatial-temporal structure of the explosive phase of the microsubstorm. Sergeev V.A., Xahnin A . G * , Raspopov O.M. Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity» 1978, p.42-54. During the explosive phase of the microsubstorm which lasts 5-7 min the impulsive changes of the plasma sheet parameters and 117
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