Динамические процессы и структура авроральной магнитосферы: эксперимент "Самбо": [сборник статей]. Апатиты, 1978.

A B S T R A C T S YDK 550-ЗВЗ Experiment "SAMBO-76". General structure of experiment and characteristics of magnetoepheric disturbances and X-ray events. Zhulin I.A., Lazutin L.L., Riedler W«K., Falthammar K.-G., Zhavkov V.A., Kanonidi Kh.D», Kobzev V.G., Kopaev I.M., Kornilov I.A., Kuzmin I.A., Marklund Melnikov A.O. Pudovkin M.I., Radkevitch V.E., Raspopov 0»M., Sakharov Ya.A., Slamanic H . , Turbin R.I., Pahlesson В., Khrustchi- nsky A.A. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity, 1978, p.3-27. The results of balloon and ground-oased measurements during "SAMBO-76" experiments are given. Magnetoepheric disturbances for the ballon flights of the periods from 10 to 13 of November 1976 are analized in details. The search for the regular featu­ res of the energetic electron precipitations at the different stages of complex magnetoepheric disturbances started on " S A M B O - I й experiment gives some new results. Pig. - 11; tabl - 1; ref.- 12. YDK 550.383 X-ray burst structure of breakup and Pi2 geomagnetic pulaa- tions. Melnikov A.O., Khrustchinsky A.A., Zhulin 1.А., Kor­ nilov I.A., Lazutin L.L., Raspopov O.M.« Riedler V*K,, Sakharov Ya.A., Tagirov V.R., Treilhou J.-P. - Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo ex­ periment). Ed.Kola Cranch Acad. Sci. US3H, Apatity, 1978, p.28-42. Temporal structure during the explosive phase of energetic electron precipitation is investigated using the data of "SAM- BO-1" and "SAMBO-76" companies. It is shomen htat explosive pha­ se of substorm in X-rays consists of a number of the bursts with different location in space and time. Each of the bursts is ac­ companied by generation of new Pi-2 oscillation of geomagnetic field. As a rule, spectrum structure of X-ray and geomagnetict;! pulsation during explosive phase is the same. Pig. - 10; ref. - 17. YDK 550.383 On the spatial-temporal structure of the explosive phase of the microsubstorm. Sergeev V.A., Xahnin A . G * , Raspopov O.M. Dynamical processes and structure of auroral magnetosphere (Sambo experiment). Ed.Kola Granch Acad.Sci. USSR, Apatity» 1978, p.42-54. During the explosive phase of the microsubstorm which lasts 5-7 min the impulsive changes of the plasma sheet parameters and 117