Авроральные явления - 79 : результаты работ по программе Международного года исследований магнитосферы : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за 1979 г. : (оперативно-информационный материал) / Акад. наук СССР, Кол.фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский

Appearance of a magnetic storm can be imagined as a result of collision of two corpuscular fluxes which make the magnetic field nonparallel to the ecliptic plane, forming folds and waves with appearance of IMP B g component as a direct cause of aub- storms, Increase of the solar wind velocity can be considered as a direct indication of two stream collision whereas IMP sign change can be taken as an indirect one. Occurence of most substorms is accompanied by IMP sign change, though there ia no unambiguous correlation here; the sign changes more frequently than occurance of aubstorms. Por example, intensive substorms located within the negative aector on rotations 1991, 1992, 1996 were registered but they were not accompanied by any IMP changes. One can suppose that they are associated with collision of fluxes carrying the same IMP sign. Pig.O presents the days with increasing activity marked in Pig.5; they «ire compared with the solar wind velocity measured by ШР-8 satellite /15/. Measurements were not continuous, Por comparable events it is seen that increasing of activity as a rule ia accompanied by solar wind acceleration, sharp increasing of the velocity ia moat effective, it is typical for Sc-storms. Increasing of the solar wind velocity, when not measured directly, can be determined by increasing of the equatorial Dst field Pig.9 containes Dst variation averaged for every 4-hour interval. Appearance of magnet­ ic storm is marked by Dst fall. In many cases this fall is preceded by field increas­ ing caused by solar wind acceleration. During morning and daytime the auroral oval, as a rule, is displaced northward of the Kola peninsula and appearance of magnetospheric substorms can be unaccompanied by distinguished magnetic disturbances. In such cesea the onset of a magnetospheric storm is marked by appearance of Pi2 pulsations, raising of activity in the auroral oval and Pi1 auroral agitation. The Russian text gives the analysis of disturbance peculiarities registered during each month. Por aome cases (Pig.10-16) quick-run magnetograms are given to illustrated appearance of pulsations during the onset of a magnetic storm. Geomagnetic observations used in the volume are made by L.T.Afanaejevaj auroral observations made by L.S.Evlashin, G.V.Starkov and G.P.Totunova; balloon observations made by A .0.Melnikov- The analysis and description of activity are made by B.E.Brunelli The volume is prepared for publication by L.V.Kovalevskaya.