Авроральные явления - 76 : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за 1976 г. / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1977. - 81, [1] с. : ил.

5 periods of increasing activity form the reccurent sequencer marked in Uie г.а;1г as A-I>. As noted in previous volumes /6/ the activity inci’edsings usually aro connected with the change of the sign of the interplanetary magnetic field (.Ttaij) sector. Because of this the forming of the sequences was made with t.h.a tekJnC) into account the sign of IMP /7/. The sign of IMF and the reccurent sequence distributions are given in Pig.2. The sequence Aj from the Table is short and does not. comiocted directly wiui the change of IMF sign; the sequence is seen only in geomagnetic field. 'Che sequence А. виarts from the same disturbance as the sequence Aj (January, 17) and seeua to appear at the boundary between the negative and positive sectors of IMP. The sector boundary may differ from average location by one until four days, The sequence С which is followed the sequence is connected with the transition from the positive sector to the negative one. This sequence exsists only in Cirot six months and usually has the preceding low activity intervals.Consequently the transitions from quiet periods to disturbed ones are connected with O-sequeucej the simple activity increasings are connected with A-sequence. In the second six months the situation is reversed: the quiet intervals precede the А-sequence. The transition from quiet to disturbed periods is accompanied by Dgt-variation meanwhile the simple activity increasings do not accompanied by latter.C-sequence is traced only in the firat six months of the year, in the second six months instead of it the new B-sequence is traced} the latter is shifted by some days early and also connected with the transition from the positive to the negative sector. Corresponding to B-sequence negative sector is short-lived and rather fast replaces by the positive field which does not causa the activity increasing. By the end of the year the negative sector becomes longer and axsists to the Ь-sequence. The D-sequence exsists during the transitions from the negative to the positive sector over the whole year. The Russian text contains the analysis of the activity over each month of 1976. The analysis confirms the above-given sceme of the disturbance distribution.