Авроральные явления - 74 : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за 1974 г. : [сборник] / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1977. - 91, [1] с. : ил.

4 AUHORAL PHENOMENA - 74 The Observational Data of the Polar Geophysical Institute Academy of Sciences of the OSSB Editor B.E.Brunelli Apatity ~ 1977 The volume contains the observational data of geophysical pi'oceaaea over the Cola peninsula in 1974- The report continues the aeries started in 1970 and has the form similar to one of the previoue volumes. The data are prepared by G.A.Loginov, L.T.Afanasjeva (geomagnetism), N.V.Shulgina, В»S«Kukushkina (ionosphere), L.S. Evlashin, G.V.Starkov, G.F.Totunova (auroras), 0.A.Melnikov (baloon data). The activity description was done by B.E.Brunelli and G.V.Starkov. The volume ia prepared to publication by L.V.Kovalevskaya. The report containa the data: the magnetograms (H-component) at at.Loparskaya (in aome cases - st.Lovozero)} coordinates are given in Introduction, page 3 , - the hourly range (гд) tables (Loparskaya), - the graphs of riometer absorption (in dB, riometer 32 MHz, Loparskaya, antenna (50x 60°) is directed to the Polar atar, - the ascaplota baaed on the data of all-sky 0-180 camera (Loparskaya), the main auroral emission intensity, - the time and counting rate of the baloon flights (Apatity), The universal time ia used everywhere. Sometimes the midnight, sunrise and sun­ set are also given. The local midnight for the Cola peninsula is 22 ОТ. The local geomagnetic midnight corresponds to 2 1 . 0 1 , 20.43 and 21.19 ОТ at equinox and near June and December solstices correspondingly. The aacaplots are presented as usual* for each half an hour interval (+ 15 min from the pointed value) aurora occurence in the northern, zenith and southern directiona are given on three upper lines. To denote aurora intensity in the zenith direction more than class 1 two lower lines are used. Cloudness (partial or complete) is marked by dots or vertical line respectively. The time of appearance of the moon ia marked by horizontal line over graph. In the tables of spectral lines Л = 4278, 5577, 6 3 0 0 and 6789 8 emission intensities are given in 8 class scale and also trana- parense values are given: А-good transparency, В-partial and C-complete cloudness. A common picture of activity distribution over year is given in the calendar (Fig. 1 ). The activity levels on three-ball system for every hour of the year are given by the state of the ionosphere (o corresponds to fm i n , 2 - to blackout condition - upper line), by the geomagnetic field (activity 1 corresponds to 3 0 < Гд< 1 СЮ ' f , middle line) and by auroras ( 0 - no aurora, 2 - brightness of aurora is not less than class 2 or 3 кВ- lower line). The intervals when auroral or ionospheric observations wore absent are excluded from the graplie. The days are put in graphs in columns according to the Sun's rotations 1920-1933» From comparison the calender with the previous ones / 8 / it is seen that in spite of total decreasing of the aunspot numbers the geomagnetic C-index increases and in 1974 exceedes its value for previous years /3/* According to calendar (?lg.l) both the activity periods and eeparated them quiet periods have the 27-days reccurence sequences. The activity increase over year manifests in the more longer activity periods and more shorter - the quiet ones. Two periods of reduced activity gee® to be rather well dietinquiah during the year: between 8-th and 11-th days of rotation in the beginning of the year and