Авроральные явления - 73 : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за 1973 г. / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [редкол.: Б. Е. Брюнелли (отв. ред.) и др.]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1976. - 90, [1] с.

4 AURORAL PHENOMENA - 7 3 The Observational Data of the Polar Geophysical Institute Academy of Sciences of the USSR Editor B.K.Brunelli A patity - 1976 The volume I continues the PGI publications on observational data of geophysical processes over the Cola peninsula in 1973. The report is the fifth ід series / 1 - 4 / , the description of equipment and methods 'of observation were given in the first one / 1 /. The data prepared b y G.A.Loginov (geomagnetism), N.V.Shulgina (ionosphere activity), A.P.Osepyan (riometers), L.S.Evlaahin and G.V.Starkov ((auroras). The activity description was done b y B.E.Brunelli and O.I.Shumilov. The report contains the primary analysis of the following datai - the original records of geomagrne tic H-component (Loparskaya or in some marked cases Lovozero), - the hourly range (гд) tables, - the graphs of riometer absorption (in dB, riometer 32MHz, Loparskaya), - the askaplots based on the data of all-sky C-180 camera (Loparskaya), - the observational data of baloon flights (X rays end particles) carried out near Apatity, Geographic and corrected geomagnetic coordinates of station according to /5/ are* Loparskaya у = 68°15 3 = 33°05 <*>c = 64,08° A c = 114,44° L = 5,32 Lovosero У = 6?°59 % = 35°05 Ф с = 63,71° Лс = 115,80° L = 5,18 The universal time is used everywhere. Sometimes the local time scale or the time of midnight, sunrise and sunset are- also given. The local midnight time for the Oola peninsula is 22h TO. Sim passed through geomagnetic meridian of Loparskaya near 0 9 . 0 1 UT at equinox and at 09.19 and 20.4-3 and at 08.43 and 21.19 near June and December solstices correspondingly. The ascaplots are presented as usual: for each half an hour interval (£ 15 f r o m the pointed value) aurora occurrence in the northern, zenith and southern directions are given on three upper lines. To denote aurora intensity in the zenith di rection is middle or strongt two lower lines are used. Oloudness (partial or complete) is marked b y dots or vertical line respectively. Besides the mentioned the moon illumination data are given s the time of appearance of the moon is marked b y horisontal line over the graph. In the tables of spectral lines = 4278, 5577, 63 ОО and 6789 A emissions intensity is given in 8 class scale and also transparence values: A - good transparency, В - partial cloudness, G - complete cloudness. A common picture of activity distribution during the year is given at the calendar (Fig. 1). The a c tivity level on three-ball system for ev e r y hour of the ye a r is also given there. Ac t i v i t y characteristics are obtained f r o m the atate of ionosphere (0 corresponds to ^ m ^a , T 3 MHz, 2 - to blackout condition, upper line), fr o m geomagnetic field (activity 1 corresponds to 3 0 j-< r ^ ^ 100 ^-) and auroras (0 - no aurora, 2 - brightness of aurora not less than class 2 or 3 кВ), lower line. The intervals wh e n auroral or ionospheric observations were absent are ex c l u d e d from the graph. The days in the graph are put in columns according to the Su n rotations No 1907-1926. In contrast to previous volums the direction of time axis for the convenience of comparison with Bartels calendars /5/ is reversed. Fr o m the calendar Fig. 1 is seen that at the beginning of the y e a r the days