Авроральные явления 70-I : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за первое полугодие 1970 г. / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1973. - 156, [1] с.
5 AUBOHAL PHENOMENA 70-1 The observational data of Polar Geophysical Institute Academy of Scienceв of USSB Editor В-Е.ВпшвІІі Apatity, 1 9 7 2 Brief content. The report contains the results of complex observation of geophysical pheno mena in auroral zone carried out by Polar Geophysical Institute of Ac.Sci.OSSR at first ЬяЧ-f of 1970. The data of aurora, geomagnetic field, geomagnetic pulsati ons, cosmic radio noise absorption, radioaurora observations, vertical sounding of ionosphere, ground observations of cosmic rays, balloon measurements of particles and X-rays are given. The data for publication are prepared by the next scientific workers of insti tute: geomagnetism - G.A*Loginov, geomagnetic pulsations - V.P.Selivanov, ionosphe re data - Yu.G.Mizun, N.V.Shulgina, A.P.Osepyan, aurora - G.V.Starkov, L.S.Evlashin, G.F.Totunova, V.K.Roldugin, V.I.Fedoseev, radioaurora - Yu.L.Sverdlov, M.V.Uspensky, cosmic rays and X-ray emission - L.L.Lazutin, M,A .Vetrina.The geophysical phenome na descriptions are composed by B.E^Brunelli and G.V.Starkov. The synoptical maps of auroras are prepared by G.V.Starkov. The results of continuous observations are presented by tables and diagrams I-XIX and by explanatory text including in particulary the data about the equip ment and observation conditions (p.1.1). The individual events description is given in p.II . The original paper is presented in p.III. 1.2. The results of continuous observations. Tables I-III contain average values for each hour of horizontal component, de clination and vertical component of field at Loparskaya and also average daily and hourly values of all components for given month. In the upper line the hour corres ponding to the end of everaged interval is noted. Table IV contains the values of hourly range ra and in the last column daily range values (difference between the extremal values of horizontal component for a given day). Table V contains the list of intervals where the pulsations Pc and Pi-2 were observed (at Lovozero), their periods and the degree of record distinctnees (A - well observed, B-slightly veiled over noises, C—doubtful). Tables VI—IX contain the data of vertical sounding of ionosphere (Murmansk). The values of fQF2 (table VI), fmin (table VII), fbEg (table VIII) and the types of observed sporadic layers Es (table IX) are given for each hour. The designati ons are standard; the additional symbol A* denotes the screening of regular Fa- layer by sporadic layer in F-region, symbol К corresponds to the presence of addi tional layers in F-region. The visual data are marked by crosses. Table X contain the values of cosmic radio noise absorption (Loparskaya, 32 •MHz) given in decimal fractions of db. The value 00 corresponds to the absence of absorption, blank - the absence of observations and С - doubtful value. Average daily and hourly values in the lower lines are given in hundredths of db. Diagrams XI are ascaplots constructed on data of all-sky C-180 camera (Lopar- зкауа) in according with standard instruction. The each square includes ± 15 in terval in relation to the hour on the left of square. Shafting over figure denotes the intervals where the film was spoiled by moon light.
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