Авроральные явления 70-I : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за первое полугодие 1970 г. / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1973. - 156, [1] с.
о.The quiet conditions of the second, half of March wae terminated; at 0657 of March 27 (Pig. 13). Magnetic field during March 27 and 28 was moderately disturbed and in the evening of March 28 up to the nierht 28-29 of Mar c h a n e w cha:i n of the negative magnetic bay began (Fig. 36— 4 0 ) . The moments of the m a ximum of this night, negative bays coincides with the bursts of aurora and sharp absorption. Relatively large peak of the morning time absorption did not accompanied b y measurable magnetic effects. Decreasing part of the burst was accompanied by an intensive pulsation of the absorption simultaneously with the magnetic field type Po -5 pulsations (Fig. 4 1 ) . For a aubstorm started after 2100 the equatorward aurora moving during the pre-break-up phase was accompanied by the phenomena on typical for this phase, namely: 1 ) the arcs were accompanied by the intensive background luminosity which uaualy ів absent during aurora conception and 2 ) intensive negative bay was observed whereas commonly pre-break-up phase is accompanied by the quiet magnetic field. 9. At the March 29-30 disturbance (Fig. 43,44) during all the night increased absorption we £ present (possibly caused by solar protons). Transition from the positive bays (two bays from 1400 to 1800) to the negative one took place at 1800 simultaneously with the changing of the sign of SD . Variation д Ъ fr o m 1800 to 2100 exibits irregular fluctuations, after 2100 $ Z^O, The luminosity bursts ( 2 0 2 5 , 2 2 4 0 , 2330 ) were accompanied by intensive absorption and negative bays ( $ H falls up to -500у at 00 hour) unlike to the burst at 1852-1902 accompanied only b y small magne tic disturbance. ІІІ.ЯЬе original worjcs. G.V.Starkov. Synoptical maps of auroral oval at the different moments of universal t i m e . The synoptical maps of auroral oval location at all even hours of universal time for different Q-indices (Fig. 1-8) are presented in paper., The forms distribu tion into oval is shown also on the results of a number of works concerning the auroral substorm development. Solar activity is maximal, Q-index corresponds to the magnetic activity at the Earth night side at Ф|~65°. The designations used here are: dashed lines - for the boundaries of the auroral oval, heavy lines - for homogenous arcs, heavy lines with shading - for ray arcs, shading - for sepa rate rays, crosses - for background, crosses into the circles - for spots end pul sating spots.
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