Авроральные явления 70-I : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за первое полугодие 1970 г. / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1973. - 156, [1] с.

6 Эіа^гада Xlla contain the results of photometric observations of aurora at Loparskaya. The luminosity of sky in zenith is given. The observations are carried out continuously in dark time excluding bright moon and precipitation periods. The cases are presented where the light flux increases are observed. Ordinates are given in arbitrary units, the scale is linear. The thick lime points to the presence of luminosity pulsations, the thickening measure corresponds approximately fco the pulsations amplitude. The level of night sky does not take in account. Эіакгашз XIla are the same as Zlla but constructed on the data at M i m y Antarctic). The data are corrected for the level of night sky. Tables XIII contain the results of aurora spectra observations. Ia table XIII* the intervals of aurora observations by petrol spectrograph C-180-S are listed, in “ables ХІІІб.Б the emission intensities are given in columns from 1 to 4- correspon­ dingly: Л 4276 £, (lNGN 2 +),jl5577 2 (0І),Л6300 £ (0І),Л6789 £ ( 1 PG»2). The letter A after figures designated the good visibility during considered time, В - the weak and С - the entire cloudinees. The maximal emission intensities near the zenith for half nour interval are given in table. The following scale of intensity estimation is tajtec: Intensity coefficients! 1 ! 2 ! 3 ! 4 ! 5 ! 6 ! 7 ! iux: ! 1 kE ! 1-2kR ! 2-3kE ! 3-5kR ! 5-8kR ! &-12kR! >12kR ! Zaagrams XIV - the backscattering of radioaurora on data of radar station near PetrosavoasK. The thick line corresponds to the presence, the thin line - the absen­ ce of scattering. The dotted line corresponds to the absence of observation; in газе of absence of observations during whole day the corresponded line was excluded irom the calendar at all. ТаЫез XV - the hourly values of counting rate of neutron monitor corrected for pressure variation and reduced to the sea level. In last columns and lines the aean daily and hourly values are given. Tables XVI contain the data about radiosonde flights (Apatity). The date, the balloon launching time, the time of flight end coincided commonly with time of the upper height reaching, the upper height and counting rate in Pfotzer maximum defi­ ned by galactic background are given. The cases of the X-rays and solar cosmic ays measuerments are given in comments. Table XVII contains the data about the solar protons spectra for the cases of the anomalous increases of solar particles flux noted in table XVI. The flux (in cm_“sec-!ster"') of particles and their energy thresholds are given for all flights (in Mev). The particles energy was estimated by their penetration depth • into atmosphere; the measurements during the sonde ascent were used. Эіакгяп.Б XVIII contain the counting rate of G-M counter in the stratosphere broken line). Time, counting rate (min~ ') corresponding to abscissa (in square sracets), scale of ordinates (bars), counting rate due to Galaxy C-R. background smooth line) and the atmosphere depth (in g/cm , near arrows) for some particular points are shown. The redundant counting rate is determined by both protons with energy > 80 Mev and X-rays emission of electrons with energy of tens-hundreds kev. Table XIX - K-indices for first half of 1970 (Loparskaya). 1.3. The activity distribution during; first half of 1970. The distribution of the activity during first half of 1970 is given by the discussion of the magnetograms as well as by the special calendar (Fig.2) in which in 27 day columns corresponded to the rotations of the sun №1866—1873 the activity estimation of the ionosphere, Magnetic field and aurora on the data by the three gradation system is presented. The ionospheric disturbance (upper line) is assumed moderate if or fbEg <3 MHz, the intensive disturbance gradation corresponds