Авроральные явления 70-II : материалы наблюдений Полярного геофизического института за второе полугодие 1970 г. / Акад. наук СССР, Кол. фил. им. С. М. Кирова, Поляр. геофиз. ин-т ; [отв. ред. Б. Е. Брюнелли]. - Апатиты : Кольский филиал АН СССР, 1974. - 156, [1] с. : ил.

4 Introduction The present report contains some observation data of aaroral activity obtained at some stations of Polar Geophysical Institute of Ac.Sc.USSR. The stations were located at Cola Peninsula and in Antarctic. The report consists of three parts. The first part contains both the description of the general geophysical conditions and the more detailed investigation of some individual disturbances being more interesting. The second part contains some descriptional articles concerning behavior of a number of phenomena in 1970 not being based at routine observational data. The third part contains the tables which the average hourly values of each element are listed in.The contents and the forms of the tables are analogous to that of the first issue of the report (Auroral phenomena 70-1, Apatity 1973). The Tables I-V contain the data of the geomagnetic field variations such as the absolute values of all three components of geomagnetic field by the data of Loparskaya station, the values of hourly range rH and the list of intervals when the pulsations are observed at Lovozero. The T ables VI-X contain the data of vertical sounding of the ionosphere (Murmansk) and the data of riometer observations at Loparskaya station. In the Tables XI-XII the results of observations of aurora at Loparskaya and Mirny are listed. The last results consist of the ascaplots, photometric and spectral observations. The Tables XV-XVIII contain the observational data of cosmic rays (neutron monitor) obtained at station outside Apatity and the data of the baloon flights (X-rays and particles) carried out near Apatity. The local К-index values are listed in Table XIX. The numeration of the tables is the same as in the previous issue. The gaps in the numeration correspond to the tables which are absent by some reasons in the present issue. The universal time is everywhere used. Sometimes there are the additional local time scale. The times of midnight, sunrise and sunset also sometimes indicated. The local midnight time for Cola Peninsula is 22 UT. The data for publication was prepared by the next scientific workers of the institutei geomagnetism - G.A.Loginov, geomagnetic pulsations - V.P.Selivanov, ionospheric data - Yu.G.Mizun, N.V.Shulgina, G.A.Petrova, photographic data of aurora - G.V.Starkov, spectral data of aurora - L.S.Evlashin, G.F.Totunova, photometric data - V.K.Roldugin, Antarctic data of aux’ora - V.I.Fedoseev, cosmic ray data and stratospheric observations - L.L.Lazutin, A.0.Melnikov. The description of geophysical phenomena was done by B.E.Brunelli, G.V.Starkov, V.K.Roldugin. The scientific edditing was done by A.M.Lyatskaya. The authors express appreciation to O.I.Shumilov, I.N.Menshutina, L.A.Kovalevskaya. G.I.Chernov for their usefull help. I . The auroral activity during the second half year of 1970 This part of the report contains the description of the basic peculiarities of the auroral activity during the second half year- of 1970 and the calendar of the activity according to magnetic, ionospheric and auroral data (Fig.1). The 27-day reccurence tendency seems to be weakly prononced during the time interval considered. This part contains also the seasonal and'diurnal variations of both magnetic dis­ turbances and polar aurora. The mean values for month (except January and February) are some higher of that for the former years. The level of the activity at Loparskaya is usually higher than mean world-wide level of latter especially during night hours. The seasonal course of probability of occurence of polar aurora has minimum in winter and has some higher values during equinox monthes. In general the seasonal course of aurora is like that of magnetic activity. In the first approximation these