Linear Growth of Sparsely Rakered Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (Coregonidae) of the Imandra Lake (Murmansk Oblast) / Zubova E. M., Kashulin N. A., Terent’ev P. M. [et al.] // Journal of Ichthyology. – 2016. - Vol. 56, №. 4. - P. 588–599
592 ZUBOVA et al. x102 20 16 12 8 4 0 20 16 12 8 4 (b) I — I________ 1 ____L_ 0 Fig. 2. Concentrations of heavy metals and aluminum in water of the Imandra Lakes in different years, ^g/L: (a) Babinskaya Imandra, (b) Yokostrovskaya Imandra, (c) Bolshaya Imandra; (■) 1983—1992 (according to Antropo- gennye modifikatsii..., 2002), (■) 2011—2013. Fig. 3. Concentrations of heavy metals in the surface layer (0—1 cm) of bottom sediments in the Imandra Lakes in different years, ^g/g dry weight: (a) Babinskaya Imandra, (b) Yokostrovskaya Imandra, (c) Bolshaya Imandra; see the designations in Fig. 2. The share of the whitefish individuals that prepared for spawning (the third-fourth stages of gonad devel opment) was approximately 19% in the Babinskaya Imandra, 17% in the Yokostrovskaya Imandra, and only 9% in the Bolshaya Imandra. According to the data of Reshetnikov and Bodganov (2011), this indica tor is much higher (50—60%) for natural, unpolluted ponds. In the Babinskaya Imandra, the age of first- spawning males (4+) and females (5+) corresponded to the natural one; in the Yokostrovskaya Imandra, both males and females matured earlier at the age of 3+ and, on a massive scale, at the age of 4+. The catches of the Bolshaya Imandra contained only three individuals with gonads at the third to fourth stages: two males (4+ and 7+) and a female (6+). With con sideration of the irregular entry in a spawning popula tion, the irregularity of spawning, and total lifetime of whitefish at the Imandra Lakes, most of individuals may take part in spawning only once in lifetime. Most of first-spawning whitefish individuals of the Imandra Lakes in our catches reached the linear sizes typical for sparsely rakered whitefish from clean ponds: 27—30 cm for males and 28—30 cm for females (Reshetnikov and Bogdanov, 2011). The samples from the Bolshaya, Yokostrovskaya, and Babinskaya Iman dra lakes were represented by individuals with a FL of 212—374 (310.7 ± 6.3) mm and weight of 109—940 (437.7 ± 30.3) g, 113-464 (273.9 ± 2.1) mm and 15 1660 (261.9 ± 7.5) g, 150-436 (266.3 ± 4.8) mm and 29-1350 (249.3 ± 16.2) g, respectively. The average values of length and weight in the whitefish of the Yokostrovskaya Imandra are higher (p < 0.001) than in the Babinskaya Imandra up to the age of 4+ (Table 4). In the Bolshaya Imandra, the size and weight parameters of individuals are larger (p < 0.001) up to the age of 5+ in comparison with the other lakes. From the age of 6+, the size and weight parameters of the whitefish in the different Imandra Lakes do not significantly vary. Therefore, different conditions in the three Iman dra Lakes are connected with the reliable distinctions in the size and weight parameters and age of the begin- JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 56 No. 4 2016
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