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Музыкальный журнал Европейского Севера № 3, 2015 16 cultural and environmental heritage of the White Sea islands]. Petrozavodsk, 2002. pp. 55– 60. 8. Saamy [The Saami]. Pribaltijsko-finskie narody Rossii [The Finnic peoples of Russia]. Moscow, 2003, pp. 39–158. 9. Solov'ev I. V. Instrumental'nye osnovy muzykal'noj kul'tury saami: dis. .... kand. iskusstvovedenija: special'nost' 17.00.02 [The instrumental basics of the musical culture of the Saami]. St-Petersburg, 2012. 268 p. 10. Terebihin N. M. Metafizika Severa [The metaphysics of the North]. Arhangel'sk: Pomorskij universitet, 2004. 272 p. 11. Haruzin N. N. Russkie lopari (ocherki proshlogo i sovremennogo byta) [The Russian Laplanders (the analytical review of the past and the present living conditions)]. Moscow: Tovarishhestvo skoropechatni A. A. Levenson, 1890. 472 p. 12. Sheffer I. Lapponija 1673 goda, ili Novoe i vernejshee opisanie strany saamov i samogo saamskogo naroda, v kotorom izlagaetsja mnogoe eshhe nikomu nevedomoe o ego proishozhdenii, sueverijah, koldovstve, obraze zhizni, obychajah, a takzhe o prirode, zhivotnyh i metallah, vstrechajushhihsja v Laplandii, s prilozheniem podrobnyh k tomu risunkov [The Lapponia of the 1673, or the new and the most truthful description of the Saami land and the Saami people, that describes a lot of facts, not known to anyone before, about the origins, superstitions, witchcraft, way of living, traditions, nature, people, metals that are found in Lapland, with detailed drawings]. Zhivaja Arktika [The live Arctic Region]. 2008. No. 1. 129 p. 13. Manker E. Die Lappische Zaubertrommel. Eine ethnologische Monographie Die Trommel als Denkmal materieller Kultur . Stockholm, 1938. 888 p. (Acta Lapponica I). 14. The Saami: a cultural encyclopedia . Vammala: Sumalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2005. 498 p.
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