Sandimirov S. Screening studies of POP levels in fish from selected lakes in the Paz watercourse / In State of the environment in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border area. The Finnish Environment. Finland, Jyvaskyla: Kopijyva Oy. 2007, №6.

Screening studies o f POPs in fish from the Paz watercourse inadequate evidence for its carcinogenicity in humans, the evidence from animals was sufficient to classify it in Group 2B (IARC, 1991). No MPC or ADI for chlordane exist in Russian legislative documents. Hexachlorcyclohexane (HCH) The y-isomer, also known as lindane, has the highest pesticidal properties. However, technical mixtures of all isomers have been widely used as commercial pesticides. These mixtures typically contain 60-70% a-, 5-12% P-, 10-12% y-, and 3-4% o-HCH (Kutz et al., 1991). Lindane was first registered in 1938 and is currently used in its pure form in North America and Europe, while technical HCH (a mixture of a-, P-, y-, and 5-HCH) is still widely used in southern Asia and China (Voldner and Li, 1995; Li, 1999; Li et al., 2003). In Russia, lindane use was banned in 1990, when emissions in Russia were 929 000 kg (Holoubek et a l, 2001). Estimated on the basis of spatial emission distribution, y-HCH emissions in the Russian Federation in 1970, 1990, and 1996 were 540 047; 13 652; and 5 941 kg, respectively (Holoubek et a l, 2001). HCH levels in fish from the study area are presented in Tables 3.1 and 3.2 ., Appendix 3. The distribution of ZHCH in hepatic tissues also is shown in Figure 5. HCH and its isomers were not detected in fish from Lake Stuorajavri, but low levels were measured in fish from the Pasvik area. The highest concentration of ZHCH (5.5. ng/g ww) was found in liver of pike from Lake Kuetsjarvi. Lindane contribution to the total HCH was 56 %. In and earlier study in Finnmark lakes, lindane levels in fish did not exceed 0.05 ng/g ww (Skotvold et al., 1997). Exposure and effects: Because lindane has been extensively used for several decades, its long­ term health effects have been well studied. Included among the reported effects of chronic exposure to lindane are nervous disorders and increased liver weight. It is concluded that lindane is a possible human carcinogen (class 2B, IARC,1979a). The Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for lindane, as determined by the international authority on food residues, Codex Alimentarius, is 0.001 mg/kg of body weight. For a 60 kg adult therefore the maximum daily dose should not exceed 0.06 mg in total. The ADI was changed in 1997 from a previously less stringent figure of 0.008 mg/kg (CAC, 1989). In Russia currently accepted HCH ADI for adults and children are 0.01 and 0.005 mg/kg of body weight, respectively. Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of HCH for freshwater fish is 0.03 mg/kg in Russia (Hygienic norms, 2003). Akvaplan-niva report APN 514-3365.02 13