Sandimirov S. Screening studies of POP levels in bottom sediments from selected lakes in the Paz watercourse / In State of the environment in the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian border area. The Finnish Environment. Finland, Jyvaskyla: Kopijyva Oy. 2007, №6.
Appendix 1: Screening studies of POPs in bottom sediments from the P az watercourse Instrumental analysis (HRGC/LRMS) Po lych lo rinated biphenyls and OCPs The analysis was performed with GC/MS Varian Saturn 2200 T . Calibration o f the instrument was carried out using a standard mixture o f biphenyls BP-MS, Wellington Laboratories and SRM-1492, NIST. Results o f analyses were processed with software package Varian 5.2. Toxaphenes, Po lych lo rinated d ibenzo-p-d iox ins/d ibenzofurans and Po lyb rom ina ted diphenyl ethers The analysis was performed with GC/MS Varian Saturn 1200 using chemical ionization with detection o f negative ions (NCI) in the selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode. The reagent gas was methane. Calibration o f the instrument was carried out using standard solutions o f Toxaphenes TOX 482, PROMOCHEM, standard solutions o f PCDD/PCDF prepared on the base o f the mixture EDF 7999 Cambridge Isotope Lab.and standard solutions o f PBDE prepared on the base o f the mixture EO- 4980, Cambridge Isotope Lab. Analysis of tra c e elements The trace element analyses were carried out by AAS method after decomposition o f the bottom sediment samples with nitric acid. Cd, Ni and Pb were measured by a furnace technique on Perkin Elmer Z-3030 with Zeeman correction o f background. Zn and Cu were measured by AAS method by flame procedure on Perkin Elmer B-3030. Hg was measured in bottom sediment and fish samples by method o f “cold vapor” on MHS 15 after a decomposition o f a sample by mixture o f sulphuric and nitric acids. QA /QC results The internal QA/QC program in samples analysis for organic pollutants involved control for possible contamination o f samples during sample preparation and measurements. The analysis was performed in batches. Each batch included a procedural blank, spiked blank sample with the known content o f added analytes. Recovery o f analytes was controlled using isotope-labelled analogues o f determined analytes. QA/QC results are presented in the Tables 1.1 - 1.14. Quality assurance and quality control for heavy metals included analyses of blanks, analyses of duplicates, use o f reference materials and matrix spike recoveries. Results on QA/QC analysis for biota samples are presented in table 1.15-1.16. Rapport APN- 514.3665.01 36
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