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Conclusions The presentation is the continuation of work started in 1990 and is based on the monitoring results o f 2000 -2009 . Regular monitoring of the lake’s pollution indicators - organic and biogenic matter, ion composition and concentrations of metals and microelements - is carried out at the lake stations by the laboratories of INEP and MUGMS. Based on the water monitoring results obtained through this period, one can speak of stabilization of the lake and hydro-chemical regime of the basin including the level of pollutant concentrations. The data obtained also confirms the ongoing pollution of the lake and water system of the basin with pollutants originating from waste water discharge as well as from Pechenganickel’s airborne emissions. Copper, nickel and sulphates are the main pollution components. The most polluted water source of the basin is the Kolosjoki River, as it directly receives smelter waste water discharge and the stream connecting to the Lake Kuetsjarvi. 34 | Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Lapland, Publications 7/2011