Sandimirov S.S. Catalogue of lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area. Finland, Jyvaskyla: Kopijyva Oy, 2008.

Although the watershed of Lake Kantojarvi is relatively remote from the Pechenganickel smelter (76.3 km), it is nevertheless subjected to anthropogenic impacts. The water system of the lake re­ ceives airborne pollutants derived from emissions from the smelter. The main pollutants are sulphur compounds and heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Al, etc.) Despite the fact that emissions from the smelter have decreased to approximately one third of the maximum levels during the late 1970s, the deposition of pollutants still has an impact on the water body. The average Cu, Ni and Al concentrations 1.0 pg/1,3.6 pg/1 and 70 pg/1, respectively 3.2.2. Lake bottom sediments The sediments of Lake Kantojarvi have relatively high organic matter contents: the LOI value in the uppermost 1 cm layer is about 40% (Table 42).The lake is located at a distance of 78 km from the Pechenganickel smelter. However, airborne pollution from the smelter has had an effect on the lake: there is a clear decreasing gradient in the con­ centration of Ni and Cu (Fig. 63), and of Co and Zn in the uppermost 10 cm layer of the sediments (Table 42). The lake is subjected to a greater extent by pollution of chal­ cophile elements, such as Pb, As and Cd (Fig. 63). The maximum As concentration is located in the uppermost 1 cm layer. In contrast, there are slightly lower concentrations of Pb and Cd in the uppermost 1 cm layer, but maximum concentrations at depths of 1-3 and 2-3 cm, respectively. The contamination factor value for these elements range from 1.3 to 16.0 (Table 42), i.e. the values correspond to moderate and considerable contamination. The main heavy metals emitted by the smelter have moderate Cfvalues (from 1.3 to 2.0), and the chalcophile elements considerable and high values. The Cf value for Pb is the highest. The degree of contamination value (29.3) for this lake cor­ responds to high contamination (for 7 elements). Lake Layer, cm LOI Cu Ni Zn Co Cd Pb As Cd Kantojarvi 0-1 39.11 43 31 78 13.0 0.30 16.8 2.90 18-20 34.95 30 15 46 9.8 0.08 1.1 0.95 c, 1.4 2.0 1.7 1.3 3.8 16.0 3.1 29.3 Cu, цд/І 1 0 0 . 8 - 1 .7 Ni, цд/І M 0.5-13.0 Al, цд/І ZO 49-89 Pb, цд/І 0.06 0.02-0.14 Table 42. The organic matter con­ tents (LOI, % ) and heavy metal concnetrations (цд/д, dry weight) in the surface (0-1cm) and pre-industrial (18-20 cm) sediment layers. Cfand Cdrefer to the contami­ nation factor and degree ofcontamination values, respectively. Catalogue o f Lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian BorderArea 117