Sandimirov S.S. Catalogue of lakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian Border Area. Finland, Jyvaskyla: Kopijyva Oy, 2008.

3.2. LAKE KANTOJARVI Lake Kantojarvi (watershed of the Riv­ er Pechenga) is located 76.3 km to the south-west of the town of Nickel and 21.2 km to the north-east of the settle­ ment of Nellim in Finland. It is a small (area of the lake 36.29 ha), shallow-wa- ter (maximum depth 5 m), elongated oval-shaped lake of glacial origin. The maximum length is 1.25 km and maxi­ mum width 0.52 km. The point ofmaxi­ mum depth is located in the central part of the lake. One river flows out of the lake. The watershed area belongs to the forest zone. The lake shores are high and covered by shrubs and pine forests. 3.2.1. Hydrochemistry Physico-geographical characteristics Watershed River Paz Latitude 68°59.745' Longitude 28°39.937' Height above sea level, m 168.0 Maximum length, km 1.25 Maximum width, km 0.52 Maximum depth, m 5.0 Area, hectares 36.285 Watershed area, km 2 4.099 Study period 1988-2006 The water of the lake is neutral with a low mean total mineralization (20.3 mg/l) and mean alkalinity of 176 |_ieq/l. During flood periods the pH of water drops, but acidification does not develop due to the buffering capacity of the water. The lake has low concentra­ tions of base cations and anions, with calcium (average 3.0 mg/l) and bicarbo­ nate (average 10.8 mg/l) predominating. Hydrochemical properties pH 6.66 6.30-7.00 Electrical conductivity, 30 mS/cm 22-46 Ca, mg/l M 2.1-4.8 Mg, mg/l 08 0 . 6 - 1.2 Na, mg/l 1Z 1.4-1.9 K, mg/l 04 0.3-0.6 HC03, mg/l 10.8 7.0-18.8 S04, mg/l 19 1.7-2.4 Cl, mg/l 1 Z 1 .5-2.0 Total mineralization, mg/l 20.3 14.8-31.3 Alkalinity, neq/l 176 115-308 The total P and total N concentra­ tions in water are the main criteria used for assessing the development of water eutrophication. The concentrations and relationships between species of P and N vary according to the season, and the dy­ namics is to a greater extent determined by the level of production and, conse­ quently, the trophicity of the water body. The concentrations of total P and total N during the vegetation period reach 10 |ig/l and 420 |ig/l, respectively. According to the mineral nutrient concentrations, the lake is classified as mesotrophic. The lake also has colour values, and organic matter (up to 8.3 mg/l) and Fe concentrations (mean 450 pg/1) typical of small water bodies in the region. During high water periods in summer the concentra­ tions of P 0 43' and N 0 3', which determine the lake productivity, are low. Water colour, deg. 39 20-75 nh 4, mq / i 59 6-210 no 3, мд/і 4 2-10 Total N, мд/І 298 230-420 Total P, мд/і 6 4-10 Fe, мд/І 450 53-1900 116 Catalogue ofLakes in the Russian, Finnish and Norwegian BorderArea