Рыжкова, И. В. Современный университет в рамках европейского "Северного измерения": феномен интернационализации : монография / Инна Витальевна Рыжкова ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск : МГГУ, 2013. - 167 с. : ил.

152 РЫЖКОВА ИННА ВИТАЛЬЕВНА of international activity is cross-border cooperation which is manifested both on the level of the content component of the courses taught, and on the levels of international scientific research projects and academic mobility of students, teachers and other staff. While determining the basic vector of their development, Russia's northern universities structure their research and educational activity taking into account the principles of Northern good-neighbourly cooperation and mutually beneficial cross-border cooperation. The internationalization of higher education becomes, on the one hand, a way for the university to determine the vector of its development and, on the other hand, a secure foundation for developing and extending its educational space.