Рыжкова, И. В. Современный университет в рамках европейского "Северного измерения": феномен интернационализации : монография / Инна Витальевна Рыжкова ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск : МГГУ, 2013. - 167 с. : ил.
ФЕНОМЕН ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛИЗАЦИИ 151 The problem areas and risks identified in the course of the survey, however, serve to confirm the fact that the development of international project activity can be considered as the most important factor in raising the competitiveness of modern Russian universities in the situation of the need for the internationalization of higher education as an objective process. Further, in the third section, the author analyses the practice of implementing such international projects as «ArctiChildren», «BCBU», «BART». The history of the development of every project is reflected, its main stages are identified, the problem field and the specific features of the organization of the project groups' activity is analysed in detail. Besides, the author reveals the importance of these projects for the development of the university and for the socio- economical development of the region on the whole. * * * It is gradually becoming a thing of the past for universities to exist only for their own institutional interests without supporting and developing their international segment. By developing the international component of its activity, a university forms a new educational environment which is supposed to be sufficiently open and integrative in character, to be able to accommodate both the new aspects of content fields and the innovational forms and methods of modern education. The obvious crisis of the present-day higher education makes it a necessity to consider the direction of further efforts which will not only ensure an opportunity for preserving the best of the national educational traditions, but will also define the specific character of the university's further development. In this context, the internationalization of higher education is the basic direction for structuring and defining the content of the specific features of research and educational activity of a modern university. The BEAR cultural and educational space emerging against the background of deep intercultural ties between Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia, while at the same time being exposed to the harsh competition of the educational systems, is aimed at a harmonious development of the partner states, with due respect being accorded to the preservation of the specific peculiarities of their national culture. From our point of view, the experience of the universities in the Barents region can be taken as an example for identifying the trends and problems facing every university where international activity is seen as one of the most important dominant factors in its development. Reflecting on the specific character of the internationalization of higher education in the North, it must be mentioned that the most important form
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