Рыжкова, И. В. Современный университет в рамках европейского "Северного измерения": феномен интернационализации : монография / Инна Витальевна Рыжкова ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск : МГГУ, 2013. - 167 с. : ил.
150 РЫЖКОВА ИННА ВИТАЛЬЕВНА Studies») and «BCS» («Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies»), both of them being programs in which MSHU takes part. This section also contains an analysis of various programs that involve financial allocations to support students' academic mobility, including «North to North», «Go North», «Barents +», «FIRST», etc. The author comes to the conclusion that the very model of regional academic mobility in the Barents space, integrative in character and predominantly of a cross- border orientation, is by no means static. The universities of northern Russia are making effective use of modified elements of the Finnish and Norwegian models of academic mobility, concentrating as they do on increasing the numbers of theirforeign students. Emphasizing regional problems in the curricula leads to a re-consideration of the whole educational process in the Barents region. It is precisely the North that becomes the foundation for international educational cooperation in the BEAR and comes to determine its content and the prospects of its development. The second chapter of this monograph is devoted to the analysis of the «international project» phenomenon viewed as an instrument of cross-border cooperation. In the first section the author analyses various interpretations of the term «international project», distinguishing the notions of «concept», «program» and «project». The author argues the case for regarding the project form as the most effective one for the modern university and provides a system of basic characteristics of an international project, some ofwhich are of a universal character. Summing up the section, the author points out that the system of preparation for work on international projects, on the level of methodology, can comprise several modules. First, the culture studies module providing for a general acquaintance with a particular country (a potential partner for the project) together with the peculiarities of intercultural communication and a parallel formation of a dialogical attitude in the minds of the audience. Second, the methodological module proper directed at developing the skills of organizing and hosting international conferences and international seminars of a highly specialized character. Third, it is expedient to identify a project-management module aimed at explaining the basics of project management, the general rules of development and realization of international educational projects and the criteria for evaluating their effectiveness. Finally, an economic module proper is provided, aimed at developing the skills of calculating grant budgets, at studying the specific features of financial operations within the framework of European Union grants and grants provided by other international unions and organizations. The second section contains the results of a sociological survey conducted by the MSHU Laboratory of sociologic research. The survey studied the ways the university's academic staff views such a form of international activity as the international project.
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