Рыжкова, И. В. Современный университет в рамках европейского "Северного измерения": феномен интернационализации : монография / Инна Витальевна Рыжкова ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск : МГГУ, 2013. - 167 с. : ил.

148 РЫЖКОВА ИННА ВИТАЛЬЕВНА S u m m a r y This monograph is devoted to the analysis of the process of internationalization of higher education in the BEAR. The author considers the movement towards dialogue in the educational space.as a megatrend in the life of a modern university. The author also analyzes the basic strategies of internationalization, the experience of the best practices, as reflected in the implementation of the region's leading international educational and research projects, as well as in the regional model of students' academic mobility. The strategy of internationalization of the modern university in the BEAR is regarded as an answer to the new challenges facing modern higher education as it is becoming increasingly clear that a need exists for highly professional staff capable of working in the conditions of a permanently changing global labour market. Chapter One of the book is devoted to the analysis of the conception and strategies of internationalization, primarily as implemented in the BEAR. In the first section of the chapter the author discusses various Russian and Western ideas and interpretations of the concept of internationalization, traces the changing interpretations of the term «internationalization of higher education» in accordance with the main component of its definition. The author argues for the existence of a profound connection between the processes of internationalization and humanitarization, proceeding from the premise that it is only by relying on the human potential that the integration of educational establishments can be achieved. In the second section, the author focuses on the analysis of the concepts, goals and strategies of internationalization in Russia's neighboring countries, Norway and Finland, whose experience is seen as particularly valuable for the modern universities of northern Russia. The author discusses the obvious similarity of the types of internationalization in Finland and Norway which involve the provision of educational programs in foreign languages, the development of joint educational programs leading to joint degrees, employment of foreign academic staff alongside sending home staff abroad on various study trips and for short periods of teaching at host institutions, creation of foreign campuses in the home country and abroad. In the final part of this section, the author presents the conclusion that a successful realization of the strategies of internationalization in Finland and Norway in close cooperation with Russia will help to increase the attractiveness of the educational systems in the Barents region, and will contribute to their sustainable development and increased competitiveness. The third section of Chapter One is devoted to the analysis of the specific features of the higher education systems in the BEAR. The author gives both