Rybin, Y. Luftwaffe ace Walter Schuck researched / Christer Bergstrom, Yuriy Rybin. - Sweden : [s. l.], 2019. - 190 p. : ill.
WALTER SCHUCK Jakob Norz, immediately after an air combat where he attained three victories. reached for his flight pistol, cocked it, aimed at a point high on the wall which separated his room from his neighbour’s and squeezed the trigger. The crack from his gunshot rang through the air with a dramatic result. His neighbour’s shooting stopped. Instead the young wom an’s frightened voice was heard screaming: “The light! The light!” Then the hoarse voice of his neighbour was heard, cursing and yelling. The next morning, Schuck was ordered to report to Major Scholz, the Gruppenkommandeur. Schuck had been reported by his neighbour. It turned out that Schuck’s single shot had hit the lamp in the neigh bour’s room, and Schuck was accused of assaulting the neighbour. However, the examination of the two rooms showed that there were no less than six bullets stuck in the wall above Schuck’s bed. Fortunately, no one had been harmed. Since it was impossible to determinate Oberfeldwebel Heinz Beyer, 8./JG 5, and the Soviet pilot Starshiy Leytenant Anatoliy Obvintsev, who was shot down and captured by Germanfighters in 1943. who had fired the first shot, the whole case was dropped. The last thing Major Scholz wanted was people from the Feldgendarmerie or a military court messing into busi ness with his pilots. To the contrary - on 24 June, Schuck was awarded with the German Cross in Gold for his 39 victories. Schuck was sent on furlough in Germany. A room in the Erholungsheim Bad Schachen on the Boden See was reserved for him. The Erholungsheim was a luxury recreation establishment for German servicemen. The purpose was to give the “tired heroes” an opportunity to regain strength in an environment characterised by a total escape from reality. Good food and drinks, luxury rooms, music, sports and games of recreation, a wonder ful surrounding nature, and a surplus of young women made sure that the soldiers forgot about the war for a while. T
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