Rybin, Y. Luftwaffe ace Walter Schuck researched / Christer Bergstrom, Yuriy Rybin. - Sweden : [s. l.], 2019. - 190 p. : ill.

WALTER SCHUCK A Focke WulfFw 190fighter-bomber o f 14./JG 5 at Petsamo. alive. On board Toros they joined Leytenant Afanasiy Patratyev and his crew of the other MBR-2. + There were no formal repercussions against either Schuck or Widowitz. Led by a Solomonian wisdom, Hauptmann Wengel understood that strained nerves due to the mounting pressure in air combat was a major con­ tributing factor. This also was at a time when the news in the radio started to worry Schuck. He often used to tune in on BBC in London on the radio which he kept in his room. This was strictly prohibited, but he did it because the BBC played all that Jazz music which he loved, and which German radio hardly ever played. In that way, he also heard other news than GoebbePs propaganda. He learned about the disaster at Stalingrad, the defeat at El Alamein, and the worsening bomb attacks against Ger­ many’s cities. Schuck’s relation to Oberleutnant Widowitz was quite complicated. On one hand, he liked Widowitz for his often relaxed attitude. No one could tell as many “Bonifazius Kiesewetter” jokes like Widowitz. Ober­ leutnant Widowitz also enjoyed the highest respect from everyone in the Grupe for his many flights into the wil­ derness to pick up stranded pilots with a Fieseler Storch. But Schuck also could be quite a teaser. On one occasion when Widowitz entertained some of the rook­ ies in the mess by describing adventurous moments in his life, Schuck felt that he was exaggerating. So without a word, Schuck stood up and knocked on the lamp which hung from the ceiling. In other words: “You are a liar!” Of course, that did not contribute to improve the relation between Feldwebel Schuck and Oberleutnant Widowitz. A few days after the incident with the flight pistols, Hauptmann Wengel left on furlough, and Widowitz was appointed Staffelkapitan of 9./JG 5. . . T