Rybin, Y. Luftwaffe ace Walter Schuck researched / Christer Bergstrom, Yuriy Rybin. - Sweden : [s. l.], 2019. - 190 p. : ill.

WALTER SCHUCK GLOSSARYAND GUIDE TO ABBREVIATIONS AP (Aviatsionnyy Polk) Aviation regiment (Soviet). The approximate equivalence of a Luftwaffe Gruppe. BAD (Bombardirovochnaya Aviatsionnaya Diviziya) Bomber aviation division (Soviet). The approximate equivalence of a Luftwaffe Geschwader. BAP (Bombardirovochnyy Aviatsionyy Polk) Bomber aviation regiment (Soviet). The approximate equivalence of a Luftwaffe Kampfgruppe. BBAP (Blizhnebombardirovochnyy Aviatsionnyy Polk) Short-range bomber aviation regiment (Soviet). German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) German military award, below the Knight's Cross. Geschwader Air wing (German). Usually composed of three Gruppen plus a Geschwaderstabsstaffel, from summer 1944 four Gruppen. Geschwaderkommodore Air wing commander (Ger­ man). GIAP (Gvardeyskiy IstrebiteVnyy Aviatsionyy Polk) Soviet Guards Fighter Air regiment. Gruppe Air group (German); usually three Staffeln plus a Stabschwarm(from summer 1944 four Staffeln) see below. Gruppenkommandeur Air group commander(Ger- man). GMTAP (Gvardeyskiy Minno-Torpednyy Aviatsionyy Polk) Guards Mine-torpedo aviation regiment (Soviet). GShAP (Gvardeyskiy Shturmovoy Aviatsionnyy Polk) Ground-attack air regiment (Soviet). Hero o f the Soviet Union (Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza) The highest Soviet official title of recognition for mili­ tary feats. Roughly the equivalence of a German Ritter- kreuztrager. I AD (Istrebitel’naya Aviatsionnaya Diviziya) Fighter aviation division (Soviet). IAP (IstrebiteVnyy Aviatsionyy Polk) Fighter aviation regiment (Soviet). Jagdgeschwader Fighter aviation wing (German). Jagdgruppe Fighter group (German). Jagdstaffel Fighter squadron (German). Nominal com­ position 12 aircraft. Jagdwaffe Fighter aviation arm (German). JG (Jagdgeschwader) Fighter wing (German). Kampfgeschwader “Combat Wing”—bomber aviation wing (German). KBF (Krasnoznamyonnyy Baltiyskiy Flot) Red Banner Baltic Fleet (Soviet). KG (Kampfgeschwader) Bomber wing (German). Kommandeur See Gruppenkommandeur. Kommodore See Geschwaderkommodore. KuFlGr (Kiistenfliegergruppe) Coastal aviation patrol group (German). Lufbery circle A tight circle in which an aircraft forma­ tion flies single file behind the leader, forming a closed circle. Originally conceived by U.S. World War I ace Raoul Lufbery as a defensive maneuver. Luftflotte Air fleet (German). Luftwaffe Air Force (German). MTAP (Minno-Torpednyy Aviatsionyy Polk) Mine-tor- pedo air regiment (Soviet). OKL (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe) Air Force High Command (German). Polk Regiment (Soviet). PVO (Protivo-Vozdushnaya Oborona) Troops of the Home Air Defense (Soviet). RAF Royal Air Force. RAP (Razvetyvatel ’nyy Aviatsionnyy Polk) Reconnais­ sance air regiment (Soviet). Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) The Reich’s Air Ministry, National air ministry (German). Rotte Tactical air formation composed of two aircraft (German). Rottenflieger Wingman (German). Rottenfiihrer Rotte leader (German). SAD (Smeshannaya Aviatsionnaya Diviziya) Composite air division (Soviet). SC (Splitterbombe, cylindrisch) cylindrical fragmentary bomb (German). Schwarm “Swarm” or “Flight,” tactical air formation composed of four aircraft (German). Schwarmfuhrer Schwarm leader (German). SF (Severnyy Flot) Northern Fleet (Soviet). ShAD (Shturmovaya Aviatsionnaya Diviziya) Ground-attack aviation division (Soviet). ShAP (Shturmovoy Aviatsionnyy Polk) Ground-attack aviation regiment (Soviet). Staffel Aviation squadron (German). Nominal composi­ tion 12 aircraft. Staffelfiihrer Acting commander of a Staffel (German). Staffelkapitan Commander of a Staffel (German). StG (Sturzkampfgeschwader) Dive-bombing wing (Ger­ man). Storch German Fieseler Fi 156 single-engine liaison-re- connaissance aircraft. Stuka (Sturzkampfflugzeug) Dive-bomber (German). Stukageschwader Dive-bomber aviation wing (Ger­ man). VA (Vozdyshnaya Armiya) Air army (Soviet). Roughly the equivalence of the Luftwaffe’s Luftflotte. VVS (Voyenno-Vozdushnye Sily) Military Air Force (Soviet). Wehrmacht Armed Forces (German). Z (Zerstdrer) Heavy fighter (German). Zerstorer “Destroyer,” heavy fighter (German). Zerstorerstaffel Heavy fighter aviation wing (German). GERMAN SUB-UNIT DESIGNATIONS The Staffel was written with Arabic numerals. Thus, 7./ JG 5 signifies the seventh Staffel of JG 5. The Gruppe was written with Roman numerals. Thus, III./JG 5 signifies the third Gruppe of JG 5. T