Разумовская А.В. Подходы к составлению обобщенной крупномасштабной карты растительности территории Кенозерского национального парка. Геоботаническое картографирование. 2018. с. 40-65.

S U M M A R Y The territory o f the Kenozersky National Park (Arkhangelsk region) is complex area due to diverse geologic and geomorphologic conditions and long history o f agricultural practices. Heterogenic vegetation cover is typical for the whole territory. Five maps o f key plots in a scale o f 1 : 10 000 were made and the typological units (associations, subas­ sociations and their variants) were shown. To show the vegetation cover on a generalized map in a scale o f 1 : 200 000 the types o f combinations of plant communities were used. These combinations are characteristic for the particular landscape patterns. Differentiating, cha-racteristic and associated syntaxa o f the combination types were revealed. The legend to the vegetation map (scale o f 1 : 200 000) got two hierarchical levels. The highest hierar­ chical unites are represented by 7 types o f combinations o f vegetation; large mire systems are unified into two types according to prevailing combinations o f mire vegetation. Types o f vegetation combinations are divided into plakor and alluvial variants; they have three variants of transformation degree distinguished by a present state o f plant cover and the land use history. Thus, each type o f combinations got up to 6 variants that are the basic mapping units. The obtained territorial units o f vegetation cover are largely the same as mapping units o f the landscape map of the Kenozersky National Park. But they represent the original botanic-geographic data and their contours borders are different. Подходы к составлению обобщенной крупномасштабной карты растительности ...