Государственный природный заповедник «Пасвик» = State nature reserve «Pasvik» : [буклет / текст и фот.: Н. Поликарповой ; пер.: М. Трусовой]. - Никель, Мурм. обл. : [б. и., 2011?]. - 1 л. (слож. в 4 с.) : ил., карты.
"Pasvik" is the youngest n j | sula. It was established in 1? И М ^ the unique place on the nor 0 0 1 0 7 1 4 9 Pechenga district. This regie MGOUNB a notable history. The prohibited area is located on Pasvik River right bank. The river flows from Lake Inari in Finland, runs on Russian land to its outlet to the Barents Sea in Norway, Pasvik River flows betweenRussia and Norway just in its middle stream as if it joins two countries. There is the place of our reserve covering an area of 14 687 hectares. The aboriginal population of this land-Kola Sami lived here in the old time. They were occupied with fishing, reindeer breeding and migrated around the Pasvik val ley. Finnish, Norwegian and Russian people lived here later. This territory was included in Arkhangelsk prov ince of The Tsarist Russia and then conveyed to Finland in 1918. There were big battles on the both sides of the river during World War II. Pechenga district was returned to the Soviet Union after the War. The distinctive peculiarity of the reserve is its location in boundary area, which is always strictly protected by frontier guards. Pasvik River is a typical Northern water system. The river flows, spreads in some places, narrows in others. In between there are some flat plots containing many small lakes and streams as well as uneven plots contain ing waterfalls. Seven power stations (5 russian and 2 nor- wegian) have been built along this river in the middle of XX century. Norwegian stations are situated on the area of the reserve. The Russian power station named Hevos- koski locates close to reserve's southern border. Most of the Pasvik River was therefore regulated. Pine forest along the shores were cut down, the shores became boggy. So the shallow part of Pasvik River be came an important swamp and water bird area. 172 bird species have been recorded there in the beginning of XX century. There were already 200 bird species by the beginning of the XXI century. Among others there was a reason why the nature reserve was founded on this ter ritory. From the other hand, this area is on the border be tween northern taiga and forest-tundra, containing the most northern pine forests in Europe. The forests extend along the Pasvik River banks up to the Barents Sea. The nature reserve was established for protecting a rich wetland area and monitoring of the northern eco systems. More then 362 vascular species, 215 lichen spe cies, 81 moss species, 61 mushroom species have been recorded by scientists in the Pasvik Reserve. The fauna of reserve is represented by 11 species offish, 218 spe cies of birds, 29 species of mammals. The fauna of inver tebrate is not studied enough yet. The investigation of insects and spiders is the most important today. Many the species are very rare and included into dif ferent Red Data Books. Among them are: White-tailed Eagle, Eagle-Owl, Lesser White fronted Goose, Golden Eagle, disappearing Orchids. The northern border area nature is of grate interest for scientists and tourists, children and adults. The result of environmental collaboration between Russia, Finland and Norway is the work on the project of Trilateral Trans boundary Park Pasvik-lnari creation. This park includes nature protected border areas of the three countries and has international EUROPARC Federation Certificate. In the stuff of Pasvik Reserve there are different pro filed experts joined with common task of protecting and increasing of fragile northern nature.
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