Petrova O. The lichen genus Usnea in eastern Gennoscandia. III Shrubby species. Ann. Bot. Fennici. 1999, 36, p. 235-256.

244 Halonen • ANN. BOT. FENNICI 36 (1999) Lammi, Evo, 1909 Backman (H), strain 2. Pohjois-Häme: Saarijärvi, Mahlu, Lylymäki, 1944 Koskinen (H), strain 3. Keski-Pohjanmaa: Munsala, Gräsön, 1957 Bäck (H), strain 4. Oulun Pohjanmaa: Muhos, Poikakoti, 1923 Räsänen (H), strain 1. Perä-Pohjanmaa: Simo, Pahnila, 1946 Räsänen (H), strain 1. Russia . Leningrad Region, Isthmus karelicus: Zele- nogorsk (Terijoki), Komarovo (Kellomäki), 1938 Fager- ström (H), strain 3. Republic of Karelia. Karelia ladogensis: Sortavala, Mäkisalo, 1923 Linkola (TUR-V), strain 4. Kare- lia olonetsensis: Vedlozero (Vieljärvi), Kukkozero (Kukka- järvi), 1942 Railonsala (OULU, TUR), strain 1. 3. Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn., Ser. A4, 6(7): 7. 1915. — Usnea plicata (L.) F. H. Wigg. var. glabrata Ach., Lichenogr. Uni- versalis 624. 1810. — Type: Switzerland. Schleicher 318 (H-ACH 1854A!, holotype). Chemistry: usnic and fumar- protocetraric acids (TLC by P. W. James, protocetraric acid may have been overlooked). Usnea barbata (L.) F. H. Wigg. var. sorediifera Arnold, Verh. K. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 25: 471. 1875. — Usnea sorediifera (Arnold) Lynge, Skr. Vidensk.-Selsk. Christiana, Math.-Naturvidensk. Kl. 1921 (7): 229. 1921. —Type: Aus- tria. Tyrol, on road Seefelt to Scharnitz (‘Scharniz’), 3600 ft., 1874 Arnold , Lich. Exs. no. 572a (H-NYL 36544!, isolec- totype). Chemistry: usnic, norstictic (trace), stictic, crypto- stictic (trace) and constictic (trace) acids (isolectotype in H-NYL). Usnea barbata [subsp.] florida Fr. var. pilina Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 13: 4. 1896. — Usnea pilina (Vain.) Räsänen, Lich. Fenn. Exs. no. 11 (Schedae: 4). 1935, nom. illeg. ( pro syn .). — Type: Russia. Sibiria, Tyumen Region, Sotigovskaya (Sotigowskaja) by Konda River, 1880 Vainio (TUR-V 837!, lectotype, here designated; TUR-V!, three isolectotypes). Chemistry: usnic, norstictic and bar- batic (trace) acids. The type material also contains three other strains: (1) usnic acid (trace); (2) norstictic acid (trace) and an unknown fatty acid A6 (usnic acid not found by TLC); (3) usnic, protocetraric, fumarprotocetraric, confu- marprotocetraric (Cph-1) and convirensic (Cph-2) acids — see Myllys (1994: 126) and Halonen et al. (1998: 50), though Myllys (1994) exluded U. florida var. pilina from U. gla- brata . Usnea kujalae Räsänen, Ann. Missouri Bot. Garden 20: 9. 1933. — Usnea glabrata var. kujalae (Räsänen) Räsä- nen, Revista Univ. (Santiago) 21: 139. 1936. —Type: Cana- da. British Columbia, Hazelton, ad ramos pini, 1931 Kujala (H!, lectotype designated byMyllys 1994: 126; H!, isolecto- types). Chemistry: usnic acid — see Myllys (1994: 126– 127). For further synonyms and distribution of the species, see Keissler (1960), and Bystrek and Górzy n ska (1985). Thallus (Fig. 4) erect, small, to ca. 5(–10) cm long, sparsely to more often densely branched. Branching mostly anisotomic-dichotomous. Branches generally slender, to ca. 1.5(–1.8) mm in diam., inflated, ± foveolate, usually constricted Fig. 4. Small, shrubby thal- lus of Usnea glabrata (Ach.) Vain. with inflatedbranches. From 1932 Räsänen (H). Scale = 1 cm