Художники - участники экспедиций на Крайний Север = Artists-participants of the expedition to the Far North : из собрания Музея-Архива истории изучения и освоения Европейского Севера Кольского научного центра РАН / [сост., ст., коммент.: Пация Е. Я., Шабалина О. В.]. - Санкт-Петербург : ГАМАС, 2008. - 207 с. : ил., цв. ил.
Fig. 46, 47. As a professional expert in traditional econo my of indigenous population of the Kola peninsula, V.V. Charnolussky participated in the organisation of the Ivanovsky reindeer-breeding collective farm - one of the first collective farms which united Saami of Kamenski country settlements and of local komi- izhemtsy [Lukyanchenko 2003: 133]. In fig. 46 the author good-naturedly laughs at some activity in the collective-farm construction. In 1930-ies there were undertaken some at tempts to develop in the Far North economic types new for this area which hardly could take root in these geographical conditions: "in the period of ex panding <...> activities for socialist reconstruction of rural and trade economy <...> the Far North is enriched with new types of animal farming, that were not known there before - the dairy goat-breeding ..." [Tkachenko 1937:15-17]. We do not know, whether V.V. Charnolussky played any role in the "advance ment of goat to the North" (see fig. 47) as the au thor of the drawing in the caption to it informs us: "Something that never happened". Obviously the irony always inherent in Charnolussky behaviour and hardly ever hidden from people around him was one of the reasons of his arrest in 1938. S' 9 Я Рис. 47 В. В. Чарнолуский продвигает козу на Север. Или то чего не было Fig. 47 V.V.Charnolusky is pushing a she-goat northward. Or something which never happened.
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