Орешета, М. Г. Лиинахамари : (из серии «Осиротевшие берега») / Михаил Орешета. – Мурманск : МИПП «Север», 2010. – 142, [1] с. : ил., схемы, карты, портр.
• Артиллерийские батареи фашистов в районе Печенгского залива Coastal artillery units Sivu 4/5 There were several “Infanterie-Stiitzpunkte” (Perimeter positions) in Varan- ger, among them Grense Jakobselv, Kobbholmen, Lille-Jarfjord, “Tamet , and Myrslett. The latter included 61 men from “Gebirgs-Nebelwerfer- Abteilung 10”. Moying out o f ID 210’s area, and into Divisions-Gruppe Rossi in Petsamo, Finland. ARTILLERIEGRUPPE UNTERABSCHNITT FINLAND Art.gr.Unterabschnitt Finland, MAA 517 Formed in Kirkenes in Jury 43. HQ: Nurmensatti HKB 1/ 773 Ristiniemmi (885) Equipped with 4 x 15,5 cm K418(f) guns, range 19 000 m. Ready in July 41. Attacked by Soviet forces, and blown up by its own crew in Oct 44. HKB 2/ 773 Liinahamari (454) Equipped with 2 x 21 cm K39/40, range 30 000 m. Ready in Aug 43. Attacked by Soviet forces, and blown up by its own crew in Oct 44. MKB 1/517 Kap_Romanov(6/ 513 ) (MKB Brommy, Memel-Ostsee) Equipped with 4 x 15 cm SKC/28 guns in twin mounts, range 22 000 m. Ready in Dec 41 as a part o f “Nordverstarkung” . Usually called “Batterie- Sensenhauser“ after its commander, oberleutnant Sensenhauser. This unit was, like the others in this area, frequently engaged in artillery duels with Soviet Coastal artillery units. Attacked by Soviet ground forces in Oct 44, blown up by own crew. MKB 2 /517 Petsamo (5/513) Equipped wfih 4 x 15 cm SKL/40 C/97, range 16 000 m, and 2x15 cm SKC/28 in a twin turret, range 23 000 m. Ready in Oct 41. Frequently used- for shooting at the Soviet airfield Pumankj. Attacked by Soviet forces, and blown up by own crew. The turreted guns were tried evacuated by ship, but this was sunk. 86
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