Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

He ends up his brooding about loss of northern mode of life and national identity with Zina’s thoughts about Soon sharks and bears will die out - And so will women Soon women will disappear at all. And after midnight Zina asks herself: Am I the last alive woman in the world? [Durcan, 1998, p. 102] Search for heroes with “not pasteurized blood” who live in harmony with nature and conscience is next to most important in modern northern Russian and Norwegian literature. It is not by chance that characters of Vitaliy Maslov’s books are ready to refuse from personal benefit in order to restore their native village and the main character of Erlend Lo novel “Doppler” quits a prestigious job and even his family to live in the woods. However these actions are no more than personal attempts to survive and preserve national identity in the global world. Here appears a clash between civilization and nature where a human in­ tuitively chooses severe space and not comfortable life. And now it is not about aspiration to explore this huge world as it was inherent to the Vikings or to make a beautiful dream of freedom and happiness come true - as it was desired by the Kola North inhabitants in first years after the revolution. Now western writers are unfortunately less interested in “mysterious Russian soul”. Northern authors’ thoughts about identity preservation, search for spiri­ tual kindred and preserving the imagery and archetypes peculiar to regional lit­ erature are in close contact with research into globalization processes and a mar­ ginal character. It should be noted that purely postmodernist works beyond real context are not inherent to the literature of northern countries. In works by many contemporary writers - Vitaliy Maslov, Oktyabrina Voronova, Erlend Lo, Hanna Erstavik one can recognize northern topics, traits of national character of those who live in the North. The Russian Kola North literature and literature of other Nordic countries remains a live process reflecting the world, changeable and at the same time stable in its origins. § 7. The dialogue between Northern cultures in the anthology of modern literature of the Barents-region “Here the Roads start” Translation of literature in globalization era means not only a desire to get acquainted with new authors and a foreign culture but also aspiration to search for spiritual kindred, identity between those who live in the North. In this sense publication of anthology of the Barents region writers “Here the roads start” in 2001 was unprecedented because it included works by poets and writers from all the four countries and was translated into 7 languages (Russian, Swedish, Fin­ nish, Norwegian, North Sami, Tornedal Finnish and Nenetz). The project leader 97