Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

alphabet, letter books and written language. Artistic consciousness of Sami writ­ ers even of that who writes in Russian, reflects his native world and national cul­ ture realities and the system of values connected with national identity is more sustainable than it is generally considered. In her article “15th anniversary of the Sami literature” Nadezhda Bolshakova mentions quite a numerous group of Sami authors with different fate in literature and she complains that there are few young writer and there is no due support from the State. However, interest in works by Kola Sami is great not least because their works are translated into many languages including Finnish and Scandinavian languages, English, Ger­ man and even Vepps and Moksha languages. § 6. The Processes of globalization, identification and multi- culturalism in the North as they reflect in the contemporary Literature: Vitaly Maslov, Nicolai Kolychev, Paul Durcan There is one more theme that entered the Kola North literature together with globalization processes - destruction of Pomors village “with its centuries long traditions, regular life and family principles” under pressure from civiliza­ tion. Severe but uniquely beautiful northern nature dies, man loses his attach­ ment to native places and moral orienteers in this complicated world” Such were key subjects in Vitaly Maslov’s (1936-2001) and Nicolai Kolychev’s works. Vi­ taliy Maslov came from a Pomors village of Semzha and after finishing a mari­ time school and several years at sea he was a chief of radio station at Lenin atomic icebreaker for more than 20 years. All his works - stories, novels, opin­ ion journalism and poems-were dedicated to people’s life in a Pomor village, its traditional way of life and people bound with complicated relations. These are stories from his collection “Krutaya Dresva”, stories “Mutual Cover-up” and “From Hand to Hand” and his novel “Inner Market”. His Pomor characters are tightly attached to their native land and want to preserve both their village and connection with the sea and the strings connecting the past and the present. Po­ mors are proud of their seamanship. Mezens Kirill and Molchan Ruzhnikov took part in discovering of the Pacific Ocean, so did Isai of Mezens in Chukotka and Semen Dezhnev is known to everybody! In the story “Wedding” a Poor village named “Krutaya Dresva” was announced by its administration not perspective, Pomors left for different places and everyone found their own destiny, however they gathered together at their small motherland at a wedding, recollected the war and those who died and started arguing about the Pomor’s land fate. They decided to reestablish the collective farm but was it possible? Everyone - an of­ ficer, captain, navigator-already had their own life in the city. Morale and call of blood don’t let them leave their devastated native land: “more than once impass­ able stagnation and endless need made Pomors suppress in their soul the free wind of their fathers. But no sooner the life began to settle down and one could see something more than a loaf of bread than this loaf would grip the guts. And 94