Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

lights” and “above the frozen tundra rises the sun-The Big Star”. In his novel “The White Reindeer” the northern lights take a fellow to the sky who is searched for by his Аапсёе. In the works by Kola Sami contemporary civiliza­ tion is reflected only when it menaces the life-circle and this is how, for exam­ ple, appear the themes of war and depletion of land, tundra. Let’s proceed to a talented Sami female poet Oktyabrina Voronova who is considered the first professional writer in Sami literature; many people assume that “Sami literature was bom with her book of poems “Yalla”. Having received her higher education in Leningrad, the poet was influenced not only by Sami but also by Russian culture however the language of her poems is Sami, her native one as well as her world perception. Russian probably contributed to enriching of senses and imagery of her poems. Through Sami culture traditions and folk­ lore imagery Oktyabrina Voronova renders the key idea of her poems - love for native land and its careful preservation, this is what her poem “The Land” is about: I will say to anyone: Be a man, And wherever you go - Don’t harm your land! [Voronova, 1995, p. 126]. Land is both home and primordial northern nature and a feeling of free­ dom and happiness. The hero of Voronova’s poems has a subtle and rarely har­ monic soul that understands the beauty of life and ordeals of destiny. When reading her poems one as if stands on a river bank or at the forest edge listening attentively to the clamour of water and rustling of trees, marveling at the play of colors, intonations, shades, feelings. In her poems there is a feeling of space, air and will. It is not surprising that well-educated and competent in Russian and European poetry Oktyabrina Voronova almost does not use citations, allusions and reminiscences from Russian or European poetry. Her gift of a poet naturally reflects national consciousness and ancient forms of nature personification be­ yond a foreign cultural context. And this means that in her native environment she uses the only possible Sami word and the only true metaphor for snow, rein­ deer, stone, sun, water, lichen, tundra... (the mountains are the Earth’s palms, the girl flitted like a grouse, luxuriant lichen was perfectly in keeping with the tundra, coming of autumn as if stroked with a fox’s paw tenderly green dresses of birches, in spring “your soul will blossom like snowdrops in the woods”) [Ibid, p. 42,45,56,57, 68, 74]. For example, the traditional literature context related to the word “stone” is a hindrance to the poet because stones are alive for her people: “the stones are silent, cold as dews of a frozen drop, as the moon’s breath”, moreover “people compare a brave heart to a stone” [Ibid, p. 83]. Which is an absolutely different meaning of the expression “a heart of stone” that exists in the European litera­ ture. The poetic Sami language of Voronova is aimed to preserve identity of the language itself and the mode of life it renders, as well as to express spontaneous 92