Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

stories by Boris Blinov thus continuing literature tradition in depiction of the North. Precedence in creating of space mythology of the Kola North belongs, in our opinion, to a remarkable poet Konstantin Sluchevsky, who visited the Kola Peninsula in the XIX century and wrote a collection of poems “Murmansk ech­ oes”. A famous Russian poet Sluchevsky created the model of the mythological space of the Kola North in the collection of the poems “Murman’s echoes”. He was a nobleman who had got education in France and Germany, the Doctor of Philosophy. In 1885 he visited the Kola Peninsula on a cruiser “Zabiyaka” (“ Squabbler ”), the Tersky and the Murman’s coasts. The poet was amazed at great scales of the northern space. He exclaims: “What a great sizes are there!” Habitual measurements are not suitable for the description of granite lumps which are erected by a great walls. He strengthened epithets, comparisons, includes archaic lexicon to transfer stately scope of sea depths, contrasts of day and night, heat and cold, stones and trees. Sluchevsky finds a poetic image - a myth. In his imagination, the Kola North is a wild elementary world in which the Demiurge starts to search for pro­ totypes and forms of the future Universe. As though the Founder was not assured yet of the intentions, He, playing weights and spaces, “gave to the rocks the shape of magic palaces, sent the form of persons to the reflections, threw mid­ way the deformed layers, scattered shine on shallows and brilliant sea stones”. Sluchevsky couldn’t find an analogy seen on the Kola North in the previous im­ pressions (travel across the Alps). He recognized that northern world is unique also, there is possible to compare it only with antique theogony, creating of the Universe. The heaps of rocks and stones have reminded him of the ancient epic, or a drama. The play of the whales looked as the fight of titans and giants. The majestic statics of granite rocks, the sky and the sea - as an eternal frame of life, movement of bom and changing forms forced the poet to think of life and death. According to Sluchevsky, the person living in the North is a part of a po­ etic myth. Sluchevsky studies a life circle of the Russian northerners and ex­ presses the admiration of their energy and the creative work, especially of the beautiful cities on the shore of the cold see. Sluchevsky asks a philosophical question: how does the Russian person succeed in survival in the conditions of icy winds and a terrible cold, on the edge of the world, “where the Lord has connected the border of the native land with the border of the Creation”. The answer is that the following: the person is cleared of vanity and vices of a civilization in the northern world, he is before the eyes of the God here, - where the God manifests himself in Nature вырос­ шей на ней “пигмейки-сосенки” [Sluchevsky, 1984, p. 148, 151, 161, 176, 215,218-219]. Sluchevsky creates the spiritual Universe, where the natural environment is shown as congenial to the God and the Man. The poet uses the concepts of 83