Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

traditions not only as museum exhibits but also as live and called-for phenomena of societal development. Indeed, self-identification of an individual life of a na­ tion or state generally rests on preservation of national cultural values. The con­ cept of identity possesses an objective sense because ethnic identity, mentality, traits of national character does not depend on an individual choice. We should point out one more characteristic of national cultures - their co-existence in the XX century and traditional, inhostile mutual influence on each other. Even an outstanding Russian scientist, poet and enlightener Lomo­ nosov would write about birth of literature language of any nation under a for­ eign influence. These days scientists also indicate a possible harmonic interac­ tion between different cultures, their continuous development and mutual en­ richment. Literature and culture of the Kola North have undoubtedly been influ­ enced by various trends. In this respect it is important to understand: 1) whether images and ideas traditional to Pomor and Sami folklore are preserved in XIX-XX century’s literature; 2) how the image of North and Man, living in the North is understood in the literature of the Kola land of the XX-XXI centuries, how new ideas appear, whether tradition is preserved in depicting of nature, history, national Russian and Sami character; 3) how the processes of globalization, multiculturalism are reflected in contemporary regional literature; 4) what ideas, themes, artistic perception of the world unites writers of different countries in the North. Traditionally 1) Sami and Pomor’s folklore; 2) works by Russian and for­ eign writers about the Kola land; 3) works of contemporary local authors, i.e. Sami authors are referred to the Kola North literature. § 1. The folklore and the mythology of the Pomor’s and Sami as the source of the universal images, themes, archetypes and the basement of identity It should be noted that Pomor folklore of the Tersky Shore and Sami folk­ lore served as the origin of ideas, themes, images, archetypes of regional litera­ ture. The mode of people’s everyday life and aesthetic ideas, moral foundations were reflected in fairy tales, rite poetry and songs. Plots of Pomor fairytales of­ ten coincided with Russian ones, however they were peculiar due to specific language and details of Pomor life: never-setting sun, images of a ship and the sea, descriptions of marine monsters, hero seafarers, magic stones. A famous re­ searcher of the Kola North literature L. Panteleeva considers that fairytales re­ flected Russian national character and a moral idea that “good and evil are bal­ anced in the world and that for every portion of evil there is a portion of good” [Panteleeva, 1998, p. 13] as well as belief that a man will overcome any obsta­ 80