Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

arrest of a member of a family, death of a horse - destroyed both a family and village life. Native nest and the nature. In the native home, the fire and the place of honor (icons and icon lamps) - were the center of economic life. This world gradually extended: a log hut, then manor, a field, a meadow, a wood. In back­ woods special traces of human life became very important: a footpath, a stone in a stream, fire wood. In the wood the person searched for solitude to think of life, but there was also the work in the forest (heavy - to clear away wood for an ar­ able land, easy - to pick mushrooms and berries). Vitaly Maslov (1936-2001) was bom in a small village Syomzha near Arkhangelsk, after the graduating of seaworthy school he worked as a chief of radio station of nuclear ice breaker “Lenin” more than 20 years. Maslov is the author of stories and the novels describing the life of the northern Pomor vil­ lages. For him, the Pomor village keeps social, national and moral traditions. The civilization destroys life circle of the Pomors, their traditions, the northern nature, people lose communication with the earth and the small native land. His heroes try to revive the dying villages, to keep the moral bases of life. Maslov’s books are filled with passionate and lyrical feelings, as the writer personally worries of the loss of national culture, of Pomors’ way of life. In Maslov’s novel “Krugovaya poruka”, in the collection of the stories “Krutaya Dresva” the life of Mezen - one of the modem central Pomors’ settle­ ments - is described. In the story “The Wedding”, the Pomors come on wedding to native village Krutaya Dresva which doesn’t exist any more on a map, as the administration considers it unprofitable. Men, - captains, fishermen, navigators, naval officers, inhabitants of big cities now, - remember the history of the small native land with pride, and decide to restore the destroyed economy. However, to return to the past is already impossible. Many of them have families and work in the cities. Small villages are economically unprofitable. Relatives and the friends who have gathered for wedding, reflect not only on destruction of tradi­ tions, but also on a tragic sense of modem civilization. CONCLUSION The perception of the North changes in time and space, some stereotypes collapse, new images and senses are bom. In our opinion, the literature reflects the image of the North in the unity of its complicated and changing components, including geopolitical, social, ethnocultural, philosophical, psychological and aesthetic understanding of the Northland. Literature represents the North as a universal model of the world with its constant characteristics of Space, Nature, People and their Civilization and Mythology. The poetic representation of the North has an ancient tradition. Its base­ ment is in Icelandic sagas which depict us harsh landscapes of the Arctic North and courageous Vikings. The basic characteristics of the North in the sagas are: 119