Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

From the author’s point of view on Doppler, he is an embodiment of the national character in the global world. No wonder, he likes snow, winter, skiing as traditional heroes of Norwegian literature do. But he doesn’t love modem Norwegian customs, especially “ability of pleasant living”, “thanks to what we are the big eaters and the most selfish nation all over the world”. “He doesn’t re­ spect the country where the small population lives at the expense of billions oil money and of natural resources”. He considers that “the Norwegians stand apart from the world and don’t know real life”. Doppler searches for “other people and reasonable life”. And many other Norwegians follow Doppler living in wood. He can’t escape from his own nature and an ethnic identity. Thus, he also will go with baby-elk (a symbol of Norway) till an old age. The irony of the au­ thor is obvious. Creating the context of the novel, Loe concentrates attention on the Nor­ wegian writers. Doppler repeats the mistakes of Ibsen’s Nora and Peer Gynt, he is some kind of pantheist, as Lieutenant Glahn. He searches for freedom from a society in the wood, coming back to the nature, and heroes of Ibsen’s drama “The Wild Duck” created artificial wood on an attic, both Doppler and appeared are doomed to a failure. He is a real Norwegian in the global world. V. BELOV, V. MASLOV The modern Russian fiction about the North and, in particular, about the Kola North is various and of high literary merit. It has a wide circle of themes such as: preservation of northern countryside, reflection on the small native land, keeping Russian northern identity and influence of modem civilization on the traditional Pomor culture. Northern literature expresses keen interest in the problems of the good and the evil. Vasily Belov (1932) lives in the small village near Vologda, he describes life, language, traditions of Russian peasants. His novels and stories were awarded with many literary prizes. His book “Lad” (“The Circle of Life”) - is a collection of articles on the northern Russian tradition and culture, their esthetics and ethics, the life in the North. The cycle of life is the symbol of the harmony, the consent and the beauty. The life circle submits to a rhythm which is formed by centuries, and its destruction is danger­ ous to the northern people. Environmental conditions, work on the earth, every­ day life and holidays - everything has its influence on the Russian national character. When creating this book Belov uses memoirs of mother and relatives. For example: Rhythm. Life of my ancestors, northern Russian peasants was rhythmical. Any destruction of a rhythm - war, illness, a poor harvest - was taken as a catas­ trophe for all. Disasters in home life, like illness, death, a fire, adultery, theft, 118