Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

out. Man has started singing. He sang affairs of times past, sang things crea­ tion... “The traveler feels that the time has stopped, and he comes back in the past. Lapps can’t name neither month, nor year. Only smile guilty. Don't know. Time stops”. The central symbol in the Northern stories of London is the image of the White Silence, it is congenial to the white nights in Prishvin’s book, one of the chapters names as “Sunni nights”. Bewitched by the white nights, the writer cre­ ates a fantastic image of the Russian Lapland, where “unprecedented flowers, animals, birds are clever and kind”. Northern birches remind him of apple-trees, moss-grown stones - of gravestones. The sun which does not set in summer, de­ stroys time, gives a filling of continuity of life. In the short term of a northern summer the Nature hurries all cycles of development up. Nature flourishes all the polar day and night long, the tireless sun breaks all the usual rhythms of hu­ man life, the author confuses day and night and feels “excessively emotional and tired”. The dead silence, emptiness, beauty of the Nature - all grieves the hero to think of great sense of human life. “If there was the huge person who would rise, has lit desert up, ’but we were weak insignificant lumps at the bottom of the rocks. And such longing was in the nature for the huge person!” Lapps - are the fantastic heroes of the mysterious northern world, “the tribe forgotten by the cul­ tural world”. Prishvin spends a lot of time with them, repeats words of Lappish language, listens to legends, learns customs. The author is surprised, how these small, naive, fun-loving people live harmoniously under severe conditions of the North. SAMI LEGENDS There are many stone sculptures created by the nature on the shore of the Imandra Lake. A walrus, the seal put out from the water, the big black whale stretched here. “The whale-stone”, Lapp says. - Fathers speaks that he is a wiz­ ard. Near the Imandra two wizards once argued. One of them asks another, if he can transform himself to an animal. The other answers, that he can’t become an animal but he will dive as a whale and nobody won’t see him, he will run off the wood. He dives into the water, can’t reach coast a little and show a back. The wizard in the shore sees him, shouts, and the first wizard hardens. Some people hardened near the Kola bay. A Witch dragged an island through the ocean, wanted to lock up Kola bay. And someone saw and shouted. The island stopped, the witch hardened, and all people in the village hardened too. The island was called Kildin. However, the real northerners for Prishvin are the Pomors. The Pomors are considered as the essence of the Russian nation. “It is a unique corner of Russia known to me, where people are proud of the native land”. A Pomor writes a letter to an imperial official about life in the North: “Our region is rich, 113