Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

Chapter 2. Man and the North in the Russian, American and Norwegian Literature Overview The concept of the North consists of diverse and various features, it pos­ sesses both geopolitical and social, ethnocultural, and also as well as historical characteristics. The perception of the North changes in time and space, some ste­ reotypes collapse, new images and senses are born. In our opinion, the literature reflects the image of the North in unity of its complicated and changing compo­ nents, including philosophical, psychological and aesthetic understanding of Northland. Literature represents the North as a universal model of the world with constant characteristics of the Space, Nature, People and their Civilization and mythology. Space is boundless, very cold and often deserted. The Nature - in its romantic and majestic dimension - is deadly cold, with snow-covered hills and rocks, with a stormy sea and glaciers. The northern na­ ture is mysterious. It breaks the rhythms of habitual development because of sunny nights and dark polar days. A northern country is the home for large number of animals and birds. The North is the native land for various ethnic communities, indigenous population. - Sami people have been living here from the time immemorial, since the 13 century the Russian North has been occupied by the Pomors, to­ day’s Norwegians are the descendants of ancient Vikings. Styles of life, traditions, customs, mutual relations between the people, national character are defined by life in the North. The literature of the northern people from different countries, including the epos, has specific problems, the mutual themes, established literary images and traditions. We will notice that in this context we consider Norway and its literature as entirely belonging to the northern tradition. Literature reflects the identity of the people living in the North. The main goal of the lecture is to represent an image of the North and the Man as reflected in the literature from the ancient days (from the sagas) to the contemporary global society in the context of evolution and constant values. § 1. The Theme of the North in Epics The poetic representation of the North has an ancient tradition. An Ice­ landic sagas depict us harsh landscapes of the Arctic North and courageous Vi­ kings, whose exploits are related not only to military victories, but the conquest of the nature. The basic characteristics of the North in sagas "are: Time, Space, austere landscapes. The main heroes - Vikings flying on their ships to the coasts of Norway, Denmark, Greenland, America not counting the time, distances, 100