Наумлюк, М. В. Региональная литература Кольского Севера XX-XXI века в аспекте идентичности и мультикультурности. Страницы истории и современность / М. В. Наумлюк ; М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Мурм. гос. гуманитар. ун-т. - Мурманск, 2013. - 157 с.

Gerda Helena Lindskog noted that authors from every region independently se­ lected the material for the anthology. That’s why an observation of the editor Valery Lemesov is interesting which said that the book was holistic because all the authors were united by the idea that “North is a land where eternal call of the roots is stronger than any political borders” [Lemesov, 2001, p. 5-6]. He also adds that the book presupposed “a search for the roads that lie between people, cultures, these days and traditions”. It concerns understanding of literature role as a keeper of spiritual, moral and aesthetic contents of each ethnicity culture and its identity in general. First of all the book represents a common model of northern world based on the image of northern nature and repeated life cycle, space, people, animals reflected in folklore. A Swedish writer Daga Nuberg in her poem “Oh, my North!” expresses the purpose of life in the North through familiar to everybody: Oh, my North, a whole crystal world, Where tread according to the sun and moon cycle. An elk and a bear, a man and a whitefish, A mountain finch and a lemming, All are going in circle... Here they reach to each other for saviour, Here only the language of love is understood. There are no words for the deadly boredom of the North For the shade of the Earth axis, For the white night and the miracle of Northern lights. [Nuberg, 2001, p. 37] Northerners are united in their attitude to nature: it is both a native land and endless cold space. About it are the poems by Sven Lokko and Victor Ti­ mofeev, Vladimir Sorokazherdiev, Niilo Rauhal, Jorm Etto. Nenetz and Sami authors often write about vulnerability of nature under the pressure of civiliza­ tion. Civilization is also dangerous because it gives birth to spiritual impover­ ishment and aggression that’s why a topic of last war is tragic for many peoples. Together with these topic thoughts about spiritual and moral origins of life ap­ pear in the works of authors from different countries. In many stories we can see the idea of native culture and language value, endless loneliness of a man with­ out his roots, that’s why there are so many interesting details from everyday life of each country and ethnicity. Selections of the texts from different countries also draw different national characters. Here appears a common idea of coura­ geous and hardy northern people however its sternness only seems: life in severe nature fills up a man with emotions, desire to sacrifice, break the circle of lone­ liness, that’s why there are so many stories about love. Moreover, one can see an interest in another country and culture, this is how, for example, portraits of Russians are seen by Finns and Swedes. 98