Преподобный Трифон Печенгский, апостол лопарей = The venerable Tryphon of Pechenga, apostle of the lapps = Pyhittäjä Trifon Petsamolainen, saamelaisten valistaja = Den aerverdige Trifon av Petsjenga, samenes apostel / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 44, [1] с.
These lines from a hymn in the “Ca non” reveal the full magnitude o f what was perhaps the most important achieve ment o f the Venerable Tryphon o f Pech- enga’s life. This was the achievement o f all the great elders o f antiquity an exam ple o f which was provided by the Vener able Joseph ofVolotsk through his pasto ral ministry with its selfless attempt to save genuine lofty monastic ideals in the fundamentally new conditions estab lished in Russia. At that time, the Vener able Joseph took upon himself a task that could hardly be solved by a mere mortal: to try to educate newcomers to the monastery in the spirit o f genu ine monasticism through organizational measures, a strict disciplin ary code and his powerful personal and devotional example. In exactly the same way, the Venerable Tryphon, despite the “rage" and "unruliness" o f his monks, with which he was unavoidably confronted, nevertheless managed to transform their "brutality to humility" and to bring them to “sense” by the blessed power o f his great holiness. The way chosen by Tryphon for the monks was very far from easy, but it was the only way possible in his situation: "con stant prayers, chanting and vigils". Tryphon performed his duty as spiritual father to his spiritual children and finally "presented them to Christ purified". The Venerable Tryphon died in December 1583. Before his death he delivered to the monks a menacing prophecy o f future ter rible misfortune and the ruination o f the monastery, adding that “many would be martyred by the edge o f the sword”. His prophecy was Л Short Hagiography o j the Venerable Ttyphon 25
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