Преподобный Трифон Печенгский, апостол лопарей = The venerable Tryphon of Pechenga, apostle of the lapps = Pyhittäjä Trifon Petsamolainen, saamelaisten valistaja = Den aerverdige Trifon av Petsjenga, samenes apostel / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 44, [1] с.

22 A Short Hagiography o f the Venerable Ttyphon the Lappish tribe, clashed with the "devi­ lish malice” o f opposition from Noida sorcerers. “L ik e lions, they grow led at Christs missionary, and like bears, they roared and tried tofrighten him in different ways". However, Mitrofan was not aban­ doned by God and was granted many miraculous powers by Him. “V ie L ord God rescued him repeatedly in a miracu­ lous fash ion fr om the hands o f those who sought the blood and death o f the Venera­ ble, giving him Divine directions to conceal him self in the mountains and rocky clefts... Sometimes the Saint passed through those blinded with malice and was not visible to them". Yet when he preached ",about their demonic posses­ sion, accusing them o f spiritual darkness and calling on them to enter the Kingdom o f God, the Sole Ruler over everything", many o f the Lappish people did “see what appeared to be the light o f fire com ingfrom his Ups and also marvelled a t his holy fa ce, like an angel’s, and began to soften the cruel images in their hearts and to accept into them the seed o f the Word o f God". Thus from among the general mass o f pagans some began emerg­ ing who were sympathetic to the holy missionary and no longer wanted to chase him away: “We see no guilt in him-, he preaches to us about goodness, abou t the Kingdom o f God. He calls death a dream and says we will not fa ll asleep, but will be resurrected. So f o r now we will leave him in peace, but if later we uncover any guilt in him, we will kill him with a terrible d ea th ... For his part, the Venerable, departing from their crowd, rejoiced that he h ad been beaten and abundantly abused f o r his sermon in the name o f Jesus Christ".