Преподобный Трифон Печенгский, апостол лопарей = The venerable Tryphon of Pechenga, apostle of the lapps = Pyhittäjä Trifon Petsamolainen, saamelaisten valistaja = Den aerverdige Trifon av Petsjenga, samenes apostel / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 44, [1] с.

A Short Hagiography ojth e Venerable Ttyphon 21 abundant in the severe northern land. "Around the Pechenga River ; with no home or shelter, through forests, up mountains and down abysses, he wandered aimlessly”. The time had come for this “prodigal son” to weep bitterly and repent, "con­ stantly prostrating h im self on the ground before the Lord in tears and prayers with a contrite heart". Five years later, around 1519, oc­ curred Mitrofans meeting with the as­ cetic, scribe, theologian and spiritual el­ der Saint Theodoret o f Kola. This meet­ ing determined the fate o f the Pechenga hermit. Theodoret, who from his youth “had a burning desire to live as a hermit" and had prepared himself to bring enlightenment “to the p ro ­ fou n d barbarians, the wild Lapps", was the bearer o f the Divine word who revealed to Mitrofan his present purpose, God’s intention for his new way o f life. Henceforth, the lot o f the hermit Mitrofan would not only be his personal salvation through repentance and weeping for his own great sins, but also heartfelt contrition for the sins o f his neighbours, who were living in the darkness o f pagan sinfulness, and a merciful concern to enlighten those " under the gloom o f burdensome idolatry". Remaining with Theodoret for about five or six years, Mitrofan learned the practice o f prayer, gaining great knowledge o f “sacred silence”. In about 1524, Mitrofan returns to the places o f his original penitential wanderings, the area o f the Pechenga River. There, on the shores o f the Frozen Sea, Mitrofan, who had be­ gun enthusiasiastically and boldly proclaiming the Word o f God to