Преподобный Феодорит, просветитель Кольский = Venerable Theodoret the enlightener of Kola = Pyhittäjä Feodorit, Kuolan valistaja = Aerverdige Feodorit, Kolas opplyser / [под редакцией епископа Митрофана (Баданина)]. - Санкт-Петербург ; Североморск : Ладан, 2017. - 33, [1] с. : ил.

A Short Hagiography of the Venerable Theodoret 19 Not long afterwards, Theodoret’s contemporary and spiritual son prince Audrey Kurbsky addressed himself to the “lukewarm” man of those times: “Behold, о hypocritical Christian, what courageous elders still live in the Ortho­ dox land and are educated in Orthodox doctrines. The older and weaker they become, the more courageous and as­ siduous they are in their devotion to the Lord and the more they are imbuedwith God’s spirit and live under the veil of the Almighty”. The vivid life of the great apostle of the Far North, the Venerable Theodoret of Kola, bears clear witness to the losses of our times and reveals the sickly vanity of our life and the spiritual weakness of contemporary Christians. As we now know, the Venerable Theodoret had a central dream from his childhood onwards. In his labours devoted to the enlight­ enment of Lapland, Theodoret, following the example of Stephen of Perm’s enlightening activities, certainly desired to repeat the attempt to establish an episcopal see in the lands of the Far North which had been brought into the Orthodox faith. And just as St Stephen had become the first Bishop of Great Perm, so Theodoret dreamed that one day the Kola land would also have its own Bishop of Great Lapland. Four hundred and forty years passed. The wisdom of Theodo­ ret’s deeds was reflected in this long expectation, in the full maturing of this land and in its abundant watering with the blood of the new